Kirjoittaja Aihe: Kalifornian unelma & sen kuolema - USA:n kruununjalokivestä ongelmapesäkkeeksi  (Luettu 16323 kertaa)


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Talk about a huge gap between the poor and the rich!

Monterey County in California has Carmel and Monterey, but only 15 minutes away is Salinas, the poorest place in the entire region. What happened here?

California Has No Middle Class Anymore


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Enpä tiedä tuosta paiserutosta mutta aika ankeaa kuitenkin.


29 202 katselukertaa  7.1.2023
#skidrow #homelesslosangeles #germaninvenice #homelessness
The Walking Dead Skid Row Homeless Encampments Downtown Los Angeles, walk with me thru the heart of skid row with people walking aimless down the streets, similar to the walking dead. Trash everywhere but no government officials to be seen. Rats are everywhere and come out of the drains and are spreading disease here to include bubonic plague. The Homeless Problem in America is now in most metropolitan areas and look no further than Hollywood, Burbank, Sun Valley Downtown and now expanding east and west. Sacramento, San Francisco all Major Cities in California are inflicted with this disease.

The Walking Dead Skid Row Homeless Encampments Downtown Los Angeles


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Tuli youtubessa vastaan tänään, jannu kuvaa vanhoja kotikulmiaan San Bernardinossa, "I Went Back To California. My Home Town Looks Like A War Zone.":
"Gun control is like trying to reduce drunk driving by making it tougher for sober people to own cars"


47 sekunnin pätkä totuutta joka kaikkien tulisi muistaa:


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How the Californian dream became a nightmare:

For Americans, California once looked like the future. It was a state defined by risk-taking and utopian dreaming. Yet for most Californians today, the upward mobility so central to the state’s ethos is rapidly disappearing. For decades, California was the primary destination for both other Americans and for foreign immigrants. Now, this trend has gone into reverse, with people and companies leaving the state. Population growth, already slowing over the past decade, has turned negative for the first time in modern California’s history, largely due to the state’s shrinking middle and working classes and its loss of families...

...Once a beacon of upward mobility, California’s tech-dominated economy has now become what analyst Antonio García Martínez describes as ‘feudalism with better marketing’. California has the fourth-highest GINI inequality index out of American states, and has experienced a sizeable expansion of inequality since 2010, according to American Community Survey data. Despite California’s fanatical commitment to ‘anti-racist’ affirmative action and racial preferences, African-Americans and Latinos perform poorly in terms of income and homeownership in Los Angeles and the Bay Area, with the latter among the most segregated places in the US. The gap between California’s fantastically rich elite and the struggling masses illustrates the emptiness of the elites’ supposedly ‘progressive’ values...

...Much to the chagrin of the state’s ‘progressive’ elites, California’s racial politics isn’t getting any better, either. Indeed, California’s green policies are effectively reviving segregation. Even environmental groups have taken notice. Policies pushed by ‘overwhelmingly white climate activists, underwritten by its overwhelmingly white billionaires’, notes the Breakthrough Institute’s Jennifer Hernandez, have fostered ‘a new Green Jim Crow era in California’.

Loput artikkelista.


vastarannan kiiski

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Taloudellisesti Kalifornia on keskimääräiselle asukkaalle ok, mediaanitulo on 6. korkein Yhdysvaltain osavaltioista.

Ja tämä on siis mediaani, sen asukkaan tulo jota puolet tienaa enemmän, ja puolet vähemmän. Siis eri asia kuin keskiarvo, jota hinaa ylöspäin miljonäärit.

Gini-kerroin on Kaliforniassa melko korkea, siis sillä mitaten eriarvoisuus on suurta. Mutta siis myös keskimääräinen Kalifornialainen tienaa kohtuullisesti.


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  • Ego sum Spartacus
Ei ollut mitään sopivampaa keskusteluketjua niin postasin tämän tänne. Aika uskomatonta menoa Philadelphiassa toisella puolen Amerikkaa.



According to the 2020 U.S. Census Bureau's tabulation, there were 1,603,797 people residing in Philadelphia, representing a 1.2% increase from the 2019 census estimate.[76] The racial composition of the city was 39.3% Black alone (42.0% Black alone or in combination), 36.3% White alone (41.9% White alone or in combination), 8.7% Asian alone, 0.4% American Indian and Alaska Native alone, 8.7% some other race, and 6.9% multiracial. 14.9% of residents were Hispanic or Latino.



Philadelphia has long been nicknamed "The City of Brotherly Love"



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  • Kansalliskonservatiivi ja arvokonservatiivi
Jostain kertoo se että Kalifornia on muuttotappioinen ensimmäistä kertaa ikinä. Siksi se menetti yhden paikan edustajainhuoneessa kun äsken valittiin 52 aiemman 53 sijaan. America Uncovered-kanava on kertonut noista Kalifornian jutuista.
« Viimeksi muokattu: 05.02.2023, 23:18:21 kirjoittanut Pallopääkissa »


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  • Kansalliskonservatiivi ja arvokonservatiivi
23 Median Jussi Heikelä teki YLE:lle ohjelman Kaikki on Kaliforniasta.
Maailmassa on paikka, josta nykyinen elämäntyylimme on lähtöisin. Jooga ei nimittäin tullut meille Intiasta. Se rantautui sieltä ensin Kaliforniaan, jossa siitä työstettiin länsimaisille toimiva versio.

Miksi juuri Yhdysvaltojen länsirannikolla on keksitty tai paketoitu kaikki mitä käytämme, katsomme, millä kuuntelemme, miten deittailemme, liikumme, majoitumme ja ketä uskomme? Mikä kaikki elämässämme on tuotu meille kultaisen osavaltion kautta? 
12-osainen podcast Kaikki on Kaliforniasta kurkistaa kiehtovan osavaltion sisälle elintapojen, viihteen, teknologian, talouden, politiikan ja kulttuurin näkökulmasta. Kalifornialaiseen mielentilaan ja maailmaan liidaavat Jussi Heikelä & Miika “Särre” Särmäkari.

Toimittajat, käsikirjoittajat: Jussi Heikelä, Miika Särmäkari
Äänisuunnittelija: Emil Koskinen
Tuotantoyhtiö: Roadkill Media Oy
Vastaava tuottaja, Yle: Tuuve Piispa
Tilaaja, Yle: Saila Mattila


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  • qui enim non est adversum vos pro vobis est
Babylon bee on parantanut  juoksuaan. Saitilla muitakin erittäin hyviä videoita:

Californians move to Texas on aika hauska sarja.
qui non est mecum adversum me est


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Jason Aldean - Try That In A Small Town (Official Music Video)

  Sucker punch somebody on a sidewalk
Carjack an old lady at a red light
Pull a gun on the owner of a liquor store
Ya think it's cool, well, act a fool if ya like
Cuss out a cop, spit in his face
Stomp on the flag and light it up
Yeah, ya think you're tough
Well, try that in a small town
See how far ya make it down the road
Around here, we take care of our own
You cross that line, it won't take long
For you to find out, I recommend you don't
Try that in a small town
Got a gun that my granddad gave me
They say one day they're gonna round up
Well, that shit might fly in the city, good luck
Try that in a small town
See how far ya make it down the road
Around here, we take care of our own
You cross that line, it won't take long
For you to find out, I recommend you don't
Try that in a small town
Full of good ol' boys, raised up right
If you're looking for a fight
Try that in a small town
Try that in a small town
Try that in a small town
See how far ya make it down the road
Around here, we take care of our own
You cross that line, it won't take long
For you to find out, I recommend you don't
Try that in a small town

Hirveä kohu noussut jenkkilässä, kun valkoinen ei alistu mustien ja muiden värisävyjen rasismille.

White lives matter! Oho, kirjoitinko minä että white lives matter!?😮 Kuinka minä uskalsin!!?


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  • Persuhtava keskustelija
Kannattaa aina pitää mielessä että kun pesä alkaa täyttyä sinne tulijat heittää ensin heikoimmat sieltä alas.

Ei sieltä vahvoja heitellä, ne jää viimeiseksi.

Vihervasemmistolaist hauraat ihmiset tuskin on niin jotka jää jäljelle kun alkaa taisto elintilasta ja hupenevista resursseista
Roslan M Salih:

"Freedom of speech isn't worth civil war"


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Tänään tuli youtube virtaan tämä video:

Tuomittu pedari jakaa ilmaista fentanyyliä uusille asiakkaille peruskoulun edessä San Fransiscossa. Ja kaikki on OK poliisinkin mielestä...
"Gun control is like trying to reduce drunk driving by making it tougher for sober people to own cars"


47 sekunnin pätkä totuutta joka kaikkien tulisi muistaa:


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Tänään tuli youtube virtaan tämä video:

Tuomittu pedari jakaa ilmaista fentanyyliä uusille asiakkaille peruskoulun edessä San Fransiscossa. Ja kaikki on OK poliisinkin mielestä...

Occamin partaveitsen perusteella kuulostaa niin hullulta ettei tuossa voi olla koko totuus...


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Jelena Välbe: USA:ta ei pian ole

– Elämässä siellä ei ole mitään hyvää, minkä lisäksi LGBT-lait dominoivat, on transsukupuoliset ihmiset ja niin edelleen.

Välben mukaan ihmiset eivät USA:ssa uskalla viedä lapsiaan kouluun, minkä lisäksi maahanmuuttajat ja huumeaddiktit aiheuttavat ongelmia.

– Toisaalta tämä on hyvä tilanne. Parinkymmenen vuoden päästä USA:ta ei enää ole. He hautaavat itsensä.

Kaikki Venäjällä eivät kuitenkaan allekirjoita Välben puheita.

– Amerikan kaltainen suuri voima ei romahda, taitoluisteluvalmentaja Tatjana Tarasova sanoi.

Tokkopa USA olemasta lakkaa, mutta tottahan tuo on että ongelmia on, ei Välbe paskaa puhu.


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Tämä on niin tuttua, kehitysmaalaisia lampsii rajojen yli, vokkiparonit käärivät rahaa jne.


Migration from Haiti to the United States since the mid-20th century has occurred in response to persistent political instability, persecution, frequent economic crises, natural disasters including a devastating 2010 earthquake, and the recent collapse of basic governmental functions and widespread gang violence


For several years, there has been a significant increase in the number of Haitians arriving in the United States irregularly, particularly via land. Some came directly from Haiti, but many others arrived from Brazil, Chile, and other countries in the Americas (often bringing their children born there) where they had migrated earlier and then faced new pressures to move again. U.S. authorities encountered Haitians at the U.S.-Mexico border approximately 53,900 times in fiscal year (FY) 2022 and more than 76,100 times in FY 2023. From 2019 through 2021, Haitians were the top nationality for migrants crossing the dangerous Darien Gap between Colombia and Panama


Several U.S. policies have sought to channel these migrants into legal routes. The U.S. government resumed the Haitian Family Reunification Parole Program in 2022, allowing eligible Haitians with a U.S.-citizen or legal permanent resident family member to move to the United States while their green-card application is pending. In January 2023, the Biden administration extended an immigration parole program initially reserved for Venezuelans to Haitians (as well as Cubans and Nicaraguans) who have a U.S. sponsor, apply in advance, and travel by plane. The program allows parolees to reside and work in the United States for two years. Through September 2023, the 85,300 Haitian parole recipients represented the largest group of beneficiaries of this process. Also, Temporary Protected Status (TPS), which grants temporary work authorization and relief from deportation, has been redesignated and extended for Haitians, covering more than 116,500 Haitian-born individuals as of March 2023.


NYC Starts Paying Migrants $4,000 Each... To Leave


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Kun jengi lisääntyy pidot paranevat.

NYC Releases Entire Migrant Gang… From Prison


Although the vast majority of asylum seekers have come to NYC to pursue the American dream, recent high profile crimes have been committed by criminals possibly linked to gangs that have infiltrated our shelter system.  Complicating matters is NYC's status as a sanctuary city, with what critics say are soft on crime laws that allow dangerous criminals  to be released and not held in jail, regardless of where they're from...


Tren de Aragua (English: Aragua Train) is a transnational criminal organization from Venezuela. It is believed to have over 5,000 members.[2] Tren de Aragua is led by Héctor Rusthenford Guerrero Flores, alias "Niño Guerrero"; he was incarcerated in Tocorón prison [es], which functioned as the organization's de facto headquarters. The gang has since expanded throughout Latin America and the United States due to the Venezuelan refugee crisis, with the growth of the gang following the migration of Venezuelans to host nations.[2][3] Due to the severity of its crimes, combatting the gang has become a priority to many nations where Tren de Aragua has entered.[2] Though Tocorón prison was invaded in 2023, leadership escaped and the gangs activities continue to this day.


Tren de Aragua is also the first Venezuelan criminal organization to expand internationally; it has a presence in Colombia, Brazil, Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia, Panama, Costa Rica, Chile, Mexico, Nicaragua, Trinidad and Tobago, and the United States. It holds a particularly dominant role in human-trafficking and human smuggling in Latin America.[4] The organization engages in a variety of criminal activities, such as arms trafficking, bribery, drug-trafficking, illegal mining, kidnappings-for-ransom, and money laundering.[2][5] The gang has alliances with Primeiro Comando da Capital in Brazil.


 According to a 2023 The Economist report, the PCC is Latin America's biggest drug gang, with a membership of 40,000 lifetime members plus 60,000 "contractors".[6] Its name refers to the São Paulo state capital, the city of São Paulo.

The group is based in the state of São Paulo and is active throughout Brazil, South America, West Africa and Europe. An international expansion fueled by the cocaine trade made the PCC establish a profitable partnership with the Italian 'Ndrangheta and, as of 2023, run over 50% of Brazil's drug exports to Europe.



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No niin.


New York City Mayor Eric Adams was indicted Thursday on federal charges alleging that he took bribes and illegal campaign contributions from foreign sources.

The U.S. attorney’s office in Manhattan alleges in the indicment that Adams “compounded his gains” from the illegal contributions by gaming the city’s matching funds program, which provides a generous match for small dollar donations.

FBI agents entered the mayor’s official residence and seized his phone early Thursday, hours before the indictment was made public. The indictment caps off an extraordinary few weeks in New York City, as federal investigators have homed in on members of Adams’ inner circle, producing a drum-beat of raids, subpoenas and high-level resignations that have thrust City Hall into crisis.


NYC’s Convenience Stores are Closing… Over Theft


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Venezuelan Gang Takes Over NYC Migrant Shelter…


A dangerous gang has infiltrated NYC's controversial shelter for asylum seekers at randall's island, making it their secret base of operations in the city.  Not only does this troubling event spell disaster for the many law abiding asylum seekers in NY, it also might mean our crime stats continue trending in the wrong direction...

California program could pave the way for illegal migrants to become homebuyers


California State Senate Minority Leader Brian Jones, R, is warning Americans of the Harris-Walz administration implementing the state's 'crazy policies' and nationalizing them, arguing the country 'can't afford to buy illegal immigrants homes.'

Migrants attempt to board school bus

VIDEO: Business owner upset about migrant securing special loan to buy her business

Over 13K illegal immigrants convicted of murder have been released into US

Homelessness Never End in California: "Are They Ignored and Forgotten by The State?"


California’s homelessness crisis has become a defining challenge for the state, reflecting a complex interplay of economic, social, and political issues that no single solution seems able to resolve. This year, despite increased efforts from state and local governments, the number of people living on the streets and in shelters has grown to nearly 186,000—a slight but telling rise from last year’s count of 181,000. It’s a sobering reminder that the crisis is not just ongoing but evolving, as policies and interventions struggle to keep pace with the magnitude of the problem.