Kirjoittaja Aihe: Critical Social Justice / Woke-sekoilu  (Luettu 284020 kertaa)


  • Vieras
Critical Social Justice / Woke-sekoilu
« Vastaus #60 : 23.02.2021, 00:14:30 »
Tuo on juuri se mitä Suomeenkin nyt tarvittaisiin, "afrikkalaista rentoutta"... Täsmällisyys, tavoitteellisuus, jne. kun ovat valkoisen ylivallan tuotoksia.  :silakka: Siis oikeasti, miten saatanan tyhmiä ihmiset voi olla?

Alla olevassa tweetissä luultavasti monelle Hommalaiselle tuttu tilanne. Jos alat sanomaan mitään vastaan, niin olet rasistipaska ja antisemiitti. Tuossa siis Lindsay osallistuu New Hampshiren CRT-kieltoa koskevaan käsittelyyn, ja eikös siellä tietyn tyyppinen kongressi-edustaja käy kimppuun tietyn tyyppisillä argumenteilla. Noin 10:20-14:10 koko pätkä putkeen, noin 19:20-31:40 kommentoituna.

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Nämä vasurien paska-aatteet on kyllä todellisia kärpäspapereita kaikille psykopaateille ja sadisteille.

Ja Kokoomus ja Keskusta mahdollistaa joka päivä näiden levittämisen Suomeen, kiitokset heille siitä.


  • Vieras
Critical Social Justice / Woke-sekoilu
« Vastaus #61 : 24.02.2021, 13:49:12 »
Aasialaisiin kohdistunut väkivalta on USAssa kovassa kasvussa, tekijät kaikki tietää. (...)

Tähän olisi kiva saada vaikka BLM-Jarin kommentit...

CRT appears in our workplaces under the cover of implicit bias/sensitivity training . It infiltrates our schools pretending to be culturally/ethnically responsive pedagogy , with curricula such as the New York Times’ 1619 Project and Seattle’s ethnomathematics . Hate groups, with allies in politics, the press and education, pass CRT off as anti-racism and diversity, equity and inclusion , but CRT is exactly the opposite. From its very roots, CRT is racist, repressive, discriminatory, and divisive.

(...) The kids were then told to check themselves off on a list of victimization categories -- race, gender, religion, family structure -- to find out which categories made them oppressors , and which made them oppressed . A Chinese parent found out about this and organized parents to stop it. It reminded them of Mao’s bloody Cultural Revolution. (...)

Chinese Americans are people of color and therefore start from the oppressed side of CRT’s binary. But as we overcome discrimination and achieve upward mobility, we are now White by adjacency. In New York City, Black Lives Matter rioters with CRT signs assaulted our rally supporting merit-based education. We have come into CRT’s crosshair.

Education is the main area where CRT attacked us. CRT, naturally, demands automatic preferences for Blacks in admissions to selective institutions and programs. That is unacceptable to us: such racial preferences come at the expense of our children, at the expense of academic standards, and at the expense of basic fairness.

For top colleges, CRT uses the ruse of multiple-criteria holistic admissions , which allows Harvard to reject Asians with better academic and extra-curricular credentials than those of admitted applicants. Despite never having met the applicants, Harvard admissions officers somehow conclude that Asian applicants lack integrity and courage -- directly contradicting evaluations from interviewers who met the applicants, and from teachers who’ve known the applicants for months if not years. If smearing Asians this way isn’t hate speech , then what is? Call it diversity, equity and inclusion .

One way or another, CRT wants to get rid of too many Asians in good schools. Asians are over-represented . CRT is today’s Chinese Exclusion Act. CRT is the real hate crime against Asians.

Some of CRT’s hate speeches against Asians are obvious: too many Asians and Stuyvesant doesn’t look like the City need no explanation. They can also be subtle. For example: Stuyvesant is not diverse . Since when is it not diverse for a school to have dozens of languages spoken at home, all major world faiths practiced, most cultural experiences inherited, from ancient civilization-building to rise and fall of empires, to slavery, colonization, revolution, and diaspora? Even if CRT dismisses all this and reduces everything to just looks -- do all Asians look alike to them?


  • Vieras
Critical Social Justice / Woke-sekoilu
« Vastaus #62 : 24.02.2021, 14:07:45 »
Rufon uusin löydös.

Loppu twiittiketjusta lainauksina:

The story begins with the district's diversity czar, Fatima Morell, who developed a new antiracism curriculum and told teachers they must become “woke” and achieve “critical consciousness,” a Marxist pedagogical concept training students to identify and subvert their oppressors.

In a presentation to teachers, Morell claimed that America “is built on racism” and that “America’s sickness” leads some whites to believe that black people are “not human,” which makes it “easier to shoot [them] in the back seven times if you feel like it.”

Last year, Fox News reported on the district's mandatory Black Lives Matter curriculum, which required schools to commit to “dismantling cisgender privilege,” creating “queer-affirming network(s),” and accelerating ”the disruption of Western nuclear family dynamics.”

The individual lessons, which I have obtained, are even more divisive. In kindergarten, teachers require students to watch a video that dramatizes dead black children warning them about the dangers of being killed by “racist police and state-sanctioned violence.”

In middle school, students are told that “all white people play a part in perpetuating systemic racism” and that “white elites work to perpetuate racism through politics, law, education, and the media.” Whites derive their wealth from slavery and are "unfairly rich."

In high school, students must begin “confronting whiteness in [their] classrooms,” with teachers asking white students to atone for their “white privilege” and to “use their voices” for the cause of left-wing "antiracism." They must become activists.

Teachers within Buffalo Public Schools tell me the new antiracism program pushes “radical politics” into the classroom and has devolved into “scoldings, guilt-trips, and demands to demean oneself simply to make another feel 'empowered.'” Teachers are afraid to speak out.

Buffalo Public Schools are a disaster: by fifth grade, only 18 percent of students are proficient in math and 20 percent are proficient in English; one-third of all students fail to graduate from high school. The new “antiracism” program will do nothing to improve these outcomes.


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Critical Social Justice / Woke-sekoilu
« Vastaus #63 : 24.02.2021, 14:59:33 »

This survey from Skeptic Mag is fascinating. Huge numbers of liberals and moderates think that over 100 unarmed black men were killed by cops in 2019. Many think the number is over 1,000 or 10,000. Even conservatives think it's about 100. The actual number is 13.
- Matt Walsh (@MattWalshBlog) February 23, 2021

Tällainen massiivinen tietämättömyys ei koske pelkästään poliisiampumisia vaan monia muitakin aiheita, joissa vasemmistoliberaalit ovat ihan yhtä pihalla. Hommassakin on näitä kaikesta kirkuvia liberaaleja, joiden tietolähteet ovat lähinnä Hesari ja CNN. Tietämys on silloin juuri sitä luokkaa, että "faktat" ovat pielessä kertoimella tuhat.

Vasemmistoliberaalit paasaavat kuitenkin siitä miten he uskovat faktoihin ja ovat älykköjä. Käytännössä he ovat kuitenkin ihmiskunnan ehdottomasti typerintä osaa, joka uskoo ihan kaiken potaskan mitä heille syötetään ja saarnaavat sen jälkeen muille "faktoillaan".

En ole vielä tavannut älykästä vasemmistolaista, harhaisia ja tietämättömiä riittää kuitenkin 13 tusinalle.
Sosialisti on mätä ydintä myöten.
 - kansanviisaus

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Critical Social Justice / Woke-sekoilu
« Vastaus #64 : 24.02.2021, 18:25:41 »
Historia on täynnä tabuja, taikauskoa ja erikoisia käyttäytymissääntöjä. Kiinalainen pitää numeroa 4 epäonnekkaana ja japanin kielessä pitää osata monimutkaisia kohteliaisuusmuotoja riippuen omasta suhteestaan keskustelukumppaniin. Intialainen ei saa syödä naudanlihaa, muslimi sianlihaa eikä länsimaalainen hämähäkkejä. Munkki on pyhä, vaatekappale on pyhä tai oman esivanhemman kuva on pyhä.

Taidamme seurata uuden taikauskoisen käyttäytymissäännöstön syntyä reaaliajassa. Ihmisryhmien pyhyys riippuu heidän ominaisuuksiaan, eikä itseään korkeammassa asemassa olevalle ryhmälle ole soveliasta sanoa mitä tahansa. Väärä elekin voi olla uskomusjärjestelmän omaksuneille sosiaalinen itsemurha.

Toivotaan, että uskomusjärjestelmä kuolee pois ennen valtavirtaistumistaan ja muuttumistaan lakisääteiseksi kastijärjestelmäksi.


  • Vieras
Critical Social Justice / Woke-sekoilu
« Vastaus #65 : 28.02.2021, 02:29:23 »
Pistetään tähän linkki toiseen ketjuun / James Lindsayn kirjoitukseen siitä, miksi woke / CSJ-porukka ei suostu väittelyihin.,131606.msg3267269.html#msg3267269

On tuo woke-sakki säälittävää, nyt siellä oli yksi valehdellut NYT:ssä, että CRT:n vastustajat eivät halua väitellä asiasta...  :o No, Rufohan tarjoutui heti väittelemään, mutta kaikki tietää, että tuo väittely ei tule ikinä toteutumaan. Kunhan pääsi NYT taas vähän edistämään narratiivia idioottien keskuudessa.

The article in the Times stated, “But the right, for all its chest-beating about the value of entertaining dangerous notions, is rarely interested in debating the tenets of critical race theory. It wants to eradicate them from public institutions.” The piece followed with a lengthy section about Rufo

Asiaan liittyen:

Ja vielä pari muuta asiaan suoraan liittymätöntä:

Alla muuten linkki yhteen Shantin kirjoitukseen. En nyt ala tuota lainailemaan, kun ei varsinaisesti suoraan liity ketjun aiheeseen, mutta osittain kuitenkin liittyy. Lähinnä siinä mielestäni tuodaan ilmi sitä, miten valtamätä on USAssa syleillyt näitä CSJ-aatteita sen vuoksi, että niiden avulla saatiin työnnettyä vasemmistopopulistit, jotka siis omien näkökantojensa pohjalta oikeasti pyrkivät parantamaan tavallisten ihmisten asemaa, maanrakoon.

Ja nythän on sitten menossa oikeistopopulistien väkivaltainen hiljentäminen. Tosin tätä ryhmää kutsutaan nykyisin rassisteiksi, natseiksi, valkoisen ylivallan edustajiksi (ihonväristä riippumatta), terroristeiksi, yms. yms., ja ryhmä kattaa kaikki ihmiset, jotka pyrkivät vastustamaan valtamätää.


  • Vieras
Critical Social Justice / Woke-sekoilu
« Vastaus #66 : 28.02.2021, 03:06:51 »
Vähän edelliseen liittyen.

Alla asiaa kirjasta, jonka Amazon poisti. Joku voisi kuvitella, että tuo olisi juuri sellaista "asiallista ja perusteltua kritiikkiä", mitä vasurit haluaa. Kun tuo joku siis on niin tyhmä, että kuvittelee vasurien haluavan sietävän minkäänlaista kritiikkiä / eriäviä mielipiteitä.

The Book Amazon Does Not Want You to Read

You may have heard by now that Amazon has banned from all of their sales channels Ryan T. Anderson’s excellent book, When Harry Became Sally: Responding to the Transgender Moment (Encounter Books, 2018).

At First Things, Anderson writes about the controversy:

The people who did read the book discovered that it is an accurate and accessible presentation of the scientific, medical, philosophical, and legal debates surrounding the trans phenomenon. Yes, it advances an argument against transgender ideology from a viewpoint. But it doesn’t get any facts wrong, and it doesn’t engage in heated rhetoric.

Moreover, it was praised by experts: the former psychiatrist-in-chief at Johns Hopkins Hospital, a longtime psychology professor at NYU, a professor of medical ethics at Columbia Medical School, a professor of psychological and brain sciences at Boston University, a professor of neurobiology at the University of Utah, a distinguished professor at Harvard Law School, an eminent legal philosopher at Oxford, and a professor of jurisprudence at Princeton.

But for a heretic-hunting Left, none of that matters. It’s not about how you say it, or how rigorously you argue it, or how charitably you present it. It’s about whether you affirm or dissent from the new orthodoxy of gender ideology.

The editors at National Review call attention to Anderson’s intellectual credentials but also his calm, clear, and compassionate disposition as an advocate for truth in the public square

This book exposes the contrast between the media’s sunny depiction of gender fluidity and the often sad reality of living with gender dysphoria. It gives a voice to people who tried to “transition” by changing their bodies, and found themselves no better off. Especially troubling are the stories told by adults who were encouraged to transition as children but later regretted subjecting themselves to those drastic procedures.

As Anderson shows, the most beneficial therapies focus on helping people accept themselves and live in harmony with their bodies. This understanding is vital for parents with children in schools where counselors may steer a child toward transitioning behind their backs.

Everyone has something at stake in the controversies over transgender ideology, when misguided “antidiscrimination” policies allow biological men into women’s restrooms and penalize Americans who hold to the truth about human nature. Anderson offers a strategy for pushing back with principle and prudence, compassion and grace.

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Critical Social Justice / Woke-sekoilu
« Vastaus #67 : 28.02.2021, 09:25:06 »
Ei ihme että pahkasika lopetti.Mistä hitosta nämä oikein keksii noita juttuja?.Jää ancient aliens jutut jo toiseksi ja juha af granin jutut alkaa kullostaa järkeviltä.:D
« Viimeksi muokattu: 28.02.2021, 09:28:04 kirjoittanut Melbac »


  • Vieras
Critical Social Justice / Woke-sekoilu
« Vastaus #68 : 03.03.2021, 00:11:49 »
Woke-natseille ei enää riitä aivopesu kouluissa, homma pitää aloittaa heti syntymästä (ketju).

The Department of Education recommends a reading that claims babies are not "colorblind" and that parents must instill "antiracist attitudes and actions" beginning at birth, in order for their children to not "absorb bias from the world around them."

Another recommended reading claims that "all white people are white in the context of a society that continues to disadvantage people of color based on race." The document teaches schools how to "change what it means to be white" and inculcate an "antiracist white identity."

The Department provides additional resources for "families & community," telling white parents that they "can have a black friend, partner, or child and still be racist." The article claims that white people deny their own racism to "alleviate some of their white fragility."

Asiaan liittyen, siellä ollaan canceloimassa yli 650 miljoonaa lastenkirjaa myynyttä Dr. Seussia.

Six Dr. Seuss books cancelled due to allegations of racism

This comes as President Joe Biden pulled Dr. Seuss' books from Read Across America Day, an initiative that was founded in the author's honor. The left-wing educators group called Learning for Justice demanded that Dr. Seuss books be removed from the reading list due to alleged "racial undertones" that are not suitable for "culturally responsive" learning in his children's books.

The decision to cease publication of these Dr. Seuss works was reportedly made last year.

Dr. Seuss, who was born in 1904, is often considered the most successful children's author of all time. As of 2020, he was the second highest paid dead celebrity next only to Michael Jackson.

The cancellation of Dr. Seuss has faced criticism from conservatives, with commentator Ben Shapiro saying "we've now got foundations book burning the authors to whom they are dedicated. Well done, everyone."

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Vielä pari muuta.

Aiempaan viestiin liittyen...


  • Vieras
Critical Social Justice / Woke-sekoilu
« Vastaus #69 : 05.03.2021, 00:10:25 »

Aasialaiset, hyvin menestyvät maahanmuuttajat alkaa olemaan todellinen ongelma wokeisteille. He kun sen lisäksi, että eivät suostu alistumaan moraaliposeeraavien wokeistien paska-aatteille, vieläpä aktiivisesti ja julkisesti vastustavat niitä. Mutta no hätä, ainahan voi lietsoa vihavasemmiston tissiä imevät neekerit hakkaamaan ja tappamaan aasialaisia.


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  • Apulaisoikeusgangsteri.
Critical Social Justice / Woke-sekoilu
« Vastaus #70 : 05.03.2021, 00:39:03 »
^ mitenkähän ameriikan latinot suhtautuvat wokejengiin?  ;D

Muoti-ilmiöitä tulee ja menee, kaippa tähänkin woke kulttuuriin joskus tulee stoppi. Optimistin on pakko vain uskoa ihmiseen. Aikoinaan oli näitä muitakin hirvittäviä aatteita, joista selvittiin. Tai siis kaiken taustalla on tässäkin tämä vasemmiston tavoite legimitoida asemansa. Vaikka yritänkin uskoa ihmiseen, niin ei se asia miksikään muutu, että ihmiset pystyvät myös äärettömään pahaan. Woke-natsit voisivat parantaa maailmaa vaikka tekemällä aikuisabortin.
« Viimeksi muokattu: 05.03.2021, 00:42:27 kirjoittanut Mäyräkoira »
Halonen ei ollut huono presidentti, vaan paha presidentti. Hän oli tarkoituksellisesti paha, ja siinä mitä hän tarkoituksellisesti teki, hän oli varsin hyvä.


Suurkiitos Johanna Tukiainen!! 👍

Lalli IsoTalo

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Critical Social Justice / Woke-sekoilu
« Vastaus #71 : 05.03.2021, 01:03:37 »
Woke-natseille ei enää riitä aivopesu kouluissa, homma pitää aloittaa heti syntymästä (ketju).

tweet 1366820252252733446

Twiitti lasten aivopesuun lähtien 0-vuotiaasta >kuvana. Seuraavia sanontoja on kreditoitu myös aikamme tyranneille.

“Give me a child until he is 7 and I will show you the man.”
― Aristotle, The Philosophy of Aristotle

"Give us a child till he’s 7 and we’ll have him for life."
― Jesuit saying
« Viimeksi muokattu: 05.03.2021, 01:12:00 kirjoittanut Lalli IsoTalo »
— Monikulttuuri = Kulttuurien sota
— Pakkomamutus = Kansanmurha
— Valtionvelka = Lapsen velkaorjuus
— Ei omaisuutta = Systeemin orja
— Digital ID = Systeemin orja
— Vihreä siirtymä = Kallis luontotuho
— Hiilineutraalius = VHM:n kuristus
— DEI, woke, SDP = Tasa-arvon tuho
— Valkoinen =  Rotusyyllinen
— Missä N, siellä R

Urban Moving Systems

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Critical Social Justice / Woke-sekoilu
« Vastaus #72 : 05.03.2021, 18:28:00 »
Anyone know of a solid film about the Chinese Cultural Revolution that we could promote so people can see what's going on around them?

Kävisiköhän tämä?
A Jew in Mao's China

Even when I have been disenfranchised from God and synagogue, I have always been culturally proud to be a Jew. A source of that pride is the Jewish tradition of helping the oppressed, and our involvement in social movements such as labor and civil rights.

Until I saw the documentary “The Revolutionary” at the Philadelphia Independent Film Festival, I mistakenly thought that China during the revolutionary period was one country that had not felt the Jewish embrace. In fact, 85 to 90% of the foreigners helping the Chinese at the time of the Communist takeover were Jewish. This included the daughter of the founder of the brokerage firm Goldman Sachs, who left the comfort of her Park Avenue home to assist the Chinese.

The Revolutionary” tells the story of Southern-born, Sidney Rittenberg the only American that has ever been admitted to the Chinese Communist Party. The Mandarin-speaking Rittenberg, who was initially sent to China by the U.S. Army at the time of Japan’s surrender at the end of World War II, became an influential advisor to Mao Zedong and to the first premier of the People’s Republic of China, Zhou Enlai. His pivotal role at the Broadcast Authority, explaining the Communist Chinese point of view to America, earned him a higher salary than Chairman Mao.


  • Vieras
Critical Social Justice / Woke-sekoilu
« Vastaus #73 : 05.03.2021, 21:38:46 »
Rufon viimeisin. Jotenkin käsittämätöntä, miten helposti ja ilman vastalauseita wokeistit voi Suomessa(kin) levittää noita paska-aatteitaan. Vieläpä mukamas jonain "tieteellisenä tutkimustietona", vaikka noilla aatteilla ei ole mitään, ei siis kerta kaikkiaan mitään todellista faktaperustaa. Jotain saatanan fiiliskyselyitä ihmisiltä, jotka vihavasurit on ensin opettanut vastaamaan oikein...  :facepalm: Ja sitten vielä kepulaiset ja kokkarit komppaa rinnalla. Kertoo paljon siitä, miten alas tuokin porukka on valmis vajoamaan, jos kuvittelevat asiasta jotain hyötyvänsä.

Critical Race Fragility

The Left has denounced the “war on woke,” but it is afraid to defend the principles of critical race theory in public debate.

The critical race theorists are feeling the heat. Over the past decade, they have had remarkable success in perpetuating the concepts of systemic racism, unconscious bias, white privilege, and white fragility in American institutions, beginning with universities and moving on to schools, government agencies, and multinational corporations. Their campaign began mostly without opposition, as most conservatives were either ignorant of what was happening or dismissed it as a campus fad.

That changed last year. (…)

This shift in momentum against the new racial orthodoxy, which has now grown beyond America’s borders to England, France, Italy, Hungary, and Brazil, has rattled the American Left. Their first argument against this change is that conservatives are using state power to “cancel wokeness.” New York Times columnist Michelle Goldberg recently followed this line, attacking my work “leading the conservative charge against critical race theory,” declaring that the Right wants to ban critical race theory because it is afraid to debate it. This is false, of course. For more than a year, prominent black intellectuals, including John McWhorter, Glenn Loury, Wilfred Reilly, and Coleman Hughes have challenged the critical race theorists to debate—and none has accepted. After Goldberg published her column, I called her bluff even further, challenging to “debate any prominent critical race theorist on the floor of the New York Times.” Predictably, none responded, catching the New York Times in a fib and further exposing the critical race theorists’ refusal to submit their ideas to public scrutiny.


However, for the critical race theorists, opposing racism is not categorical; it is instrumental. Official discrimination against blacks and Latinos is considered “bad”; official discrimination against whites and Asians is considered “good.” Following Herbert Marcuse’s dictum on “repressive tolerance,” the modern Left has begun to enact a regime of officially sanctioned double standards: discrimination is encouraged, as long as it advances the Left’s power.


The critical race theorists, on the other hand, have embraced a philosophy of European-style pessimism, dismissing equality under the law as “mere nondiscrimination.” They would replace it with a system of “equity” that treats individuals unequally in order to arrive at equal group outcomes. Most Americans, lulled into complacency by the race theorists’ manipulative homonymy—suggesting continuity between “equality” and “equity”—would be outraged at the true nature of these ideas, which are simply a reformulation of the Marxist oppressor/oppressed dialectic, replacing the class categories of “bourgeoisie” and “proletariat” with the racial categories of “white” and “black.”

(…) This is the proper context for evaluating critical race theory, which is an almost entirely government-created and government-sponsored ideology, developed in public and publicly-subsidized universities, formulated into policy by public bureaucracies, and transmitted to children in the public school system. The critical race theorists and their enablers at the New York Times and elsewhere want the right to enshrine their personal ideology as official state dogma. They prioritize the “freedom of the state” over the “freedom of the individual”—the prelude, whether deliberate or accidental, to any totalitarian system.

The backlash against CRT will likely come as a surprise to many adherents of the intellectual Left, who have become accustomed to dominance over our public institutions. They perceive any challenge to the dominant ideology as an affront, then search to backfill their preferences with high-minded concerns about “free speech” and “academic freedom.” For the woke and their enablers in the media, there is no greater offense than transgression against The Narrative.

They better get used to it. The “anti-woke” movement is gaining momentum and building an infrastructure to contest this ideology in government, schools, and academia. The critical race theorists’ strategic response—refusing to debate and hoping critics will go away—won’t work. Eventually, the public will recognize their “critical race fragility” for what it is: a prickly refusal to submit one’s ideas to vigorous public debate, often characterized by projection, emotional flagellation, and poor argumentation. Against the critical race theorists, we have begun to marshal investigative reporting, lawsuits, legislation, and parental activism—all in defense of American principles.

Edit. Kyytipojaksi tämä:

« Viimeksi muokattu: 05.03.2021, 22:04:39 kirjoittanut zupi »


  • Vieras
Critical Social Justice / Woke-sekoilu
« Vastaus #74 : 06.03.2021, 23:41:02 »
Taas yksi esimerkki siitä, ettei wokeistien tavoitteet oikeasti liity mitenkään niiden ihmisten aseman parantamiseen, joita he mukamas puolustavat, vaan pelkästään tietyn ideologian edistämiseen ja vallantavoitteluun.

Paoletta: Amazon Prime Stops Streaming Clarence Thomas Documentary During Black History Month


Recently, Amazon Prime dropped Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own Words, an acclaimed and popular PBS documentary on Justice Clarence Thomas, making it unavailable to stream during Black History Month.  Thomas is our nation’s only black justice currently serving on the U.S. Supreme Court, and one would think that between Amazon’s claim to “building an inclusive culture” and the fact that it’s Black History Month, Amazon would want to stream this inspiring documentary on its platform.


Amazon has made a significant effort to celebrate black voices on its site during Black History Month, including films of Thurgood Marshall and even Anita Hill, but can’t find any space for a documentary on our only sitting black Supreme Court justice? This makes no sense at all, other than Amazon made a decision to not show this film because Justice Thomas is a black justice who has conservative views.


Justice Thomas’s incredible story is one that every American should know – and in particular, every black American. He was born in 1948 in deep poverty in the Deep South of segregated Georgia, living from birth under Jim Crow laws. His parents had almost no education, and his father left the family before he was two. Thomas’s life changed when he was 7 years old, when he and his younger brother went to live with his grandparents.

Despite being uneducated, his grandfather built a small business delivering oil, coal, firewood, and ice in Savannah.  His grandfather was tough on Thomas and his younger brother, but they learned the values of hard work and perseverance.  Thomas’s grandfather always said, “Old Man Can’t is dead.  I helped bury him.”


In his nearly 30 years on the Supreme Court, Thomas has developed the most comprehensive and consistent originalist jurisprudence of any justice to serve on the Court.  Leftwing legal writer Ian Millhiser wrote in 2018 that Thomas is “the most important legal thinker of his generation and the most significant appointment of the last forty years.”  One well-regarded Supreme Court practitioner who founded the prominent SCOTUSblog noted that Thomas is “our greatest Justice.”  CBS Supreme Court reporter Jan Crawford proved, based on internal Court documents, that Thomas was a force from the very first day he sat on the Court, pulling the Court in his direction.

But Thomas’s views are anathema to “civil rights” leaders and groups, such as Al Sharpton and Black Lives Matter, who make their living and lots of money claiming that America is a systemically racist country and push policies that define individuals based only on the color of their skin.  This groupthink also led the African American History Museum in 2016 to exclude any exhibit on Justice Thomas in its first year of existence, despite Thomas being the second and longest-serving black Supreme Court justice in history, only begrudgingly adding a section that still is unfair to the justice.

In a conversation a few years ago where I was present, Thomas pointed out the absurdity of the left’s progressivism by noting that everyone would agree that if a black man were barred from entering a library because of the color of his skin, that would universally and rightly be regarded as racist, but the left is fine with telling that same black man he can enter that library but he can never be allowed to agree with the content of certain books because of the color of his skin.


Thomas Sowell and the late Walter Williams – two accomplished and well-regarded black conservative economists – have written for decades about how liberal social policies beginning with Great Society programs in the 1960s and continuing today have failed miserably.  Can there be any doubt of failure for policies that have contributed to the black out-of-wedlock birthrate going from 11 percent in 1938 to more than 75 percent today? That 82 percent of black households were two-parent in 1950 and today more than 70 percent of black households are headed by a single mother?  But to question these policies is racist?


As these words show, Clarence Thomas is a man who speaks his mind and does not bend to anyone.  Created Equal covers Thomas’s amazing life story in a one-on-one interview with Thomas that is unprecedented in Supreme Court history.

This is a film that should be widely streamed by Amazon at all times – and particularly during Black History Month – to show the diversity of thought in the black community and to celebrate Thomas’s amazing life journey. Amazon does a great disservice to all Americans, and particularly black Americans, when it decides not to show an inspiring film about an incredible Black American during Black History Month.

Asiaan liittyen:

In 2015, Forbes magazine said: “It’s a scandal that economist Thomas Sowell has not been awarded the Nobel Prize. No one alive has turned out so many insightful, richly researched books.” Yet, thanks in part to the Ebony shutout, many blacks have never heard of him.

Sowellhan on mm. Steven Pinkerin mielestä historian aliarvoistetuin kirjailija. Kun on väärä väri yhdistettynä vääriin näkemyksiin...


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Critical Social Justice / Woke-sekoilu
« Vastaus #75 : 07.03.2021, 00:44:16 »
Amerikassa tilanne on tällä hetkellä jotain näinkin edistyksellistä.. tai jopa mielisairasta..

Woman fired from her job because she looked at a black person “the wrong way ”


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Critical Social Justice / Woke-sekoilu
« Vastaus #76 : 07.03.2021, 08:58:43 »
Amerikassa tilanne on tällä hetkellä jotain näinkin edistyksellistä.. tai jopa mielisairasta..

Woman fired from her job because she looked at a black person “the wrong way ”

Ja tämä ideologia tulee koskettamaan myös Suomea ja muutakin Eurooppaa. Ellei jo kosketa.

Lalli IsoTalo

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Critical Social Justice / Woke-sekoilu
« Vastaus #77 : 07.03.2021, 19:11:54 »
Woman fired from her job because she looked at a black person “the wrong way ”

Future looks so bleak i gotta wear shades.
— Monikulttuuri = Kulttuurien sota
— Pakkomamutus = Kansanmurha
— Valtionvelka = Lapsen velkaorjuus
— Ei omaisuutta = Systeemin orja
— Digital ID = Systeemin orja
— Vihreä siirtymä = Kallis luontotuho
— Hiilineutraalius = VHM:n kuristus
— DEI, woke, SDP = Tasa-arvon tuho
— Valkoinen =  Rotusyyllinen
— Missä N, siellä R

Lalli IsoTalo

  • "Hallituksenkaataja"
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Critical Social Justice / Woke-sekoilu
« Vastaus #78 : 08.03.2021, 18:41:00 »
Tänne tämä sopinee parhaiten:

Ivan Puopolo: Ohisalon kuvaväärennös ja selitys woken suosiolle 8:49

"Maria Ohisalosta tehtailtiin väärennös, joka leviää netissä. Disinformaatiota ei pidä kieltää, vaan se pitää paljastaa!"

Ivan meuhkaa hienosti wokesta. Suosittelen.  :D
« Viimeksi muokattu: 08.03.2021, 18:43:43 kirjoittanut Lalli IsoTalo »
— Monikulttuuri = Kulttuurien sota
— Pakkomamutus = Kansanmurha
— Valtionvelka = Lapsen velkaorjuus
— Ei omaisuutta = Systeemin orja
— Digital ID = Systeemin orja
— Vihreä siirtymä = Kallis luontotuho
— Hiilineutraalius = VHM:n kuristus
— DEI, woke, SDP = Tasa-arvon tuho
— Valkoinen =  Rotusyyllinen
— Missä N, siellä R


  • Vieras
Critical Social Justice / Woke-sekoilu
« Vastaus #79 : 09.03.2021, 01:18:06 »
Taas vähän vanhempi kirjoitus siitä, miten CRT / CSJ on kultti, ja muistuttaa monin tavoin esim. ISIS-liikettä. Ilmankos nuo tykkäävät toisistaan, ja joidenkin pitää saada ISISläisiä Suomeen vaikka lakia rikkomalla. (29.6.2020)

Critical Race Theory is a Victimization Cult

It is not a particularly unique observation to notice that the Critical Social Justice movement, particularly the part that embraces Critical Race Theory, bears tremendous resemblance to a secular religion. (…)

While there is much merit in Professor Campbell’s analysis, I wonder whether it goes far enough. Religion, when taken to extremes, tends no longer to promote love, acceptance, and a sense of community and fulfillment—the stated goals of most religions. Religious extremism promotes violence, intolerance, tribalism, and a deliberately confused mental state in its adherents. When that happens, when religion “goes to the dark side,” we stop using the term religion, and start using the word “cult.”

As a former CIA officer, I know what that kind of cult looks like. I can’t write about my own counterterror operations, or any training I may have gotten from the CIA in persuasion and indoctrination without having to submit it for pre-publication review to the CIA. But nothing stops me from highlighting the work of others on the same topic, so we can see what the ideological conversion of a cult looks like up close and personal.

Some of the best journalism on the terror group ISIS—a cult within a religion—was done by Rukmini Callimachi, whose Peabody-winning podcast, The Caliphate presents a grim journey into the heart of darkness. It is not for the faint of heart, as it includes detailed descriptions of beatings, gruesome executions, and religiously-justified systematic rape.

The Caliphate follows a young Canadian whose nom de guerre is Abu Huzayfah. He starts as an ISIS fanboy watching videos of violence in the Syrian civil war, but when he shows up in online chat forums about the war, he gets engaged by lurking ISIS recruiters who use techniques explicitly designed to rob converts of the ability to think critically.

Eventually he finds himself in Syria, operating as an ISIS policeman, flogging a man bloody for the crime of not forcing his wife into a niqab, and executing fellow Sunni Muslims (who ISIS claims to protect) for the crime of not surrendering abjectly to ISIS. And how does he justify murdering follow Sunni Muslims? It’s their fault, apparently. He had no agency in their deaths, even though he pulled the trigger. By not turning their town over to ISIS the instant ISIS appeared, “They killed themselves,” he stated.

He finishes his direct involvement by fleeing ISIS territory after his second murder on their behalf, disillusioned, but no less full of willful blindness about the harm caused by his radical views, as well as convenient self-justifications for why he doesn’t need to confess his murders to the Canadian police. This story, though far more brutal and gruesome, contains elucidating parallels to the rapid rise of Critical Race Theory in contemporary Western culture. Though there are many obvious differences, given our present context, it’s worth examining how ISIS and Al Qaeda lure in recruits in some detail.


In Hassan’s book, Combating Cult Mind Control, he outlines what he calls the “BITE model” of cult manipulation. Not every cult follows every aspect of the BITE model, but every cult does some or most of the BITE techniques. These techniques begin lightly and get increasingly severe as cult recruitment progresses from initiation to indoctrination into reprogramming.

These techniques are relevant in all cult contexts. They are also clearly evidenced in the moral panic sweeping the country, which operates through the ideology of Critical Race Theory.

[James Lindsay: For the last several weeks, my Twitter DMs, private messages, and email are bombarded daily by messages from scared and upset people reporting the sinister instances of CRT in action in their own lives—from their workplaces to their institutions to their social lives and to their romantic relationships—the phrases and actions in brackets following each BITE bullet point are examples of how CRT is showing up in real life. Each echoes a commonplace sentiment in the CRT research and popular literature and its related social activism.]

The B in BITE is Behavior Control. It includes

Instill dependence and obedience [“Do better”]
Modify behavior with rewards and punishments [“This apology leaves a lot out and is still very racist”]
Dictate where and with whom you live [This is most nearly applicable in schools and various “spaces” that are to be “desegregated,” by which is meant excluding white and white-adjacent people in the name of inclusion; easily extends to living arrangements]
Restrict or control your sexuality [more prominent in queer and trans activism than CRT, but characterizing lack of attraction to certain features as racism and attraction to them as exoticization and fetishization]
Control your clothing and hairstyle [cultural appropriation, decolonizing hair and fashion]


The I is Information Control

Deliberately withhold and distort information [decolonize the curriculum, remove “white” sources from the canon and education, characterize disagreement as “privilege-preserving” or “race-traitorous”]
Forbid you from communicating with ex members and critics [cancel culture, conservatives and liberals are Nazis]
Restrict access to non-cult sources of information [Those resources are written from a racist position in order to uphold white supremacy]


Require you to report your thoughts and feelings to superiors [forced confessions of complicity in racism or else one suffers white fragility]
Encourage you to spy and report on others’ misconduct [cancel and dox culture]
Use “Big Brother” surveillance methods [everyone has a camera in their pocket and will load any racist behavior they can find onto the internet in a heartbeat]

The T is Thought Control

Teach you to internalize to internalize group doctrine as “Truth” (a la Robert Lifton’s “sacred science”) [Lived experience is the best arbiter of “lived realities”; Critical Race Theory is sociology, race research, or even “science,” real science suffers white biases and isn’t to be trusted, Critical Race Theory uses emotion and stories and thus is authentic, disagreement with Critical Race Theory is always ideologically and politically motivated by white supremacy; you need to forward black and brown voices; believe black (women); disagreement is false consciousness/internalized racism/willful or white ignorance]
Instill Black vs. White, Us vs Them, and Good vs. Evil thinking [racist versus anti-racist; there is no not-racist; choosing not to be anti-racist is choosing racism; there is no neutral; brown complicity is a form of anti-blackness that is pushed upon brown people by white supremacy and upholds it]


Use loaded language and clichés to stop critical/complex thought [all of the words “racist,” “antiracist,” “fascist,” “antifascist,” “Nazi,” “alt-right,” “sexist,” “misogynist,” “homophobe,” “transphobe,” “ableist,” “fatphobic,” and so on and endlessly so forth are clear examples; others include “white fragility”; “sounds about white”; “check your privilege”; “somebody’s triggered”]
Teach thought-stopping techniques to prevent critical thinking and reality testing [“oh, look, another white man giving his opinion on Critical Race Theory”; disagreement is a means of “privilege-preserving epistemic pushback” just meant to maintain one’s privileged status]
Reject rational analysis, critical thinking, and constructive criticisms [all engagement that isn’t critical engagement is inauthentic, supports racism, comes from false consciousness, internalized dominance, internalized racism, willful ignorance, white fragility, biased, privilege preserving]


The E is Emotional Control

Instill irrational fears of questioning/leaving group [cancel culture, dox culture; accusations of being branded a racist and shunned or fired; you won’t be part of “the community”]
Make you feel elitist and special [“you’re on the right side of history”; “you’re in solidarity with the Truth”]
Promote feelings of guilt, shame, and unworthy [“good white people”; “I define as a white progressive any white person who thinks they are not racist or less racist” and they are the worst for upholding white supremacy culture]
Elicit extreme emotional highs and lows [“you’re on the right side of history”… “you did it wrong, centered yourself, you’re still racist”]


An additional trait of CRT that likens it to cult environments is the hyper-attentive focus on the central idea of the cult doctrine: systemic racism, which is believed to pervade everything, be “ordinary,” and is considered permanent. According to many CRT advocates, including the bestselling Robin DiAngelo, racism is present in and relevant to every interaction and circumstance. The question, she says, must move away from “did racism take place?” to “how did racism manifest in this situation?” For her, every situation and interaction contains racism, and the devotee of her program is to focus obsessively on finding it and calling it out.


Under CRT, then, race is expected to be given ultimate social significance and racism is believed to pervade every possible occurrence and interaction. Thus, race and racism are always of central relevance to CRT thought, which dramatically increases and focuses the control-based elements of the BITE model. All behavior must be CRT-appropriate. So must the information one takes in and communicates, the thoughts one has, and the emotions one expresses because anything else signals racism that must be “interrogated” and “dismantled.”


In attributing all differences between different racial groups to racism, they’re proposing univariate solutions to multivariate problems. This means not only is their project is doomed to fail and leave many black people stuck at the bottom of the socio economic ladder, it will do so only after wildly alienating the majority of the country. Moreover, “systemic racism” is intentionally vague enough to be quasi-spiritual in nature. It is, as James Lindsay has described it, “racism of the gaps” that can continually be appealed to as the cause of problems or disparities even when there is no evidence of discrimination or strong evidence against discrimination.

To pick just one example of how CRT’s oversimplification provides incorrect diagnoses and solutions to what’s driving systemic inequality in the black community, consider a line from “Black Lives Matter’s” manifesto.

We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and “villages” that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable.

Notice the word missing from that phrase? Fathers. (…)

Critical Race Theory is not a recipe for racial progress, but unmitigated strife and ultimate disaster for black America and the broader America of which it is a part. This is why we need to turn our backs on this cult.

Art Keller is Contributing Editor at The Technoskeptic, covering privacy and national security. He has contributed to Quillette, Forbes, Newsweek, The New York Times, New York Daily News, The Washington Post, Foreign Policy, Value Walk, and West Point's counterterrorism journal, the CTC Sentinel. He is a former CIA case officer who combated terrorism and nuclear/missile proliferation. Select work is available at He is @artkeller on Twitter.


  • Vieras
Critical Social Justice / Woke-sekoilu
« Vastaus #80 : 10.03.2021, 14:00:17 »
Jälleen vähän tarinaa hyvien ihmisten aikaansaannoksista. Pelkkää pelkoa, vihaa ja kärsimystä. Noilta jutussa haastatelluilta olisi tietenkin voinut vittuillessaan kysäistä, että monikos teistä hankkii uutisensa NYT:stä, WaPo:sta ja CNN:stä, ja moniko äänesti demokraatteja viime vaaleissa...  :facepalm:

The Miseducation of America's Elites

Affluent parents, terrified of running afoul of the new orthodoxy in their children’s private schools, organize in secret.


By normal American standards, they are quite wealthy. By the standards of Harvard-Westlake, they are average. These are two-career couples who credit their own success not to family connections or inherited wealth but to their own education. So it strikes them as something more than ironic that a school that costs more than $40,000 a year — a school with Charlie Munger, Warren Buffett’s right hand, and Sarah Murdoch, wife of Lachlan and Rupert’s daughter-in-law, on its board — is teaching students that capitalism is evil.

For most parents, the demonization of capitalism is the least of it. They say that their children tell them they’re afraid to speak up in class. Most of all, they worry that the school’s new plan to become an “anti-racist institution” — unveiled this July, in a 20-page document — is making their kids fixate on race and attach importance to it in ways that strike them as grotesque.


The parents in the backyard say that for every one of them, there are many more, too afraid to speak up. “I’ve talked to at least five couples who say: I get it. I think the way you do. I just don’t want the controversy right now,” related one mother. They are all eager for their story to be told — but not a single one would let me use their name. They worry about losing their jobs or hurting their children if their opposition to this ideology were known.

“The school can ask you to leave for any reason,” said one mother at Brentwood, another Los Angeles prep school. “Then you’ll be blacklisted from all the private schools and you’ll be known as a racist, which is worse than being called a murderer.”

One private school parent, born in a Communist nation, tells me: “I came to this country escaping the very same fear of retaliation that now my own child feels.” Another joked: “We need to feed our families. Oh, and pay $50,000 a year to have our children get indoctrinated.” A teacher in New York City put it most concisely: “To speak against this is to put all of your moral capital at risk.”


That fear is shared, deeply, by the children. For them, it’s not just the fear of getting a bad grade or getting turned down for a college recommendation, though that fear is potent. It’s the fear of social shaming. “If you publish my name, it would ruin my life. People would attack me for even questioning this ideology. I don’t even want people knowing I’m a capitalist,” a student at the Fieldston School in New York City told me, in a comment echoed by other students I spoke with. (Fieldston declined to comment for this article.) “The kids are scared of other kids,” says one Harvard-Westlake mother.

The atmosphere is making their children anxious, paranoid, and insecure — and closed off from even their close friends. “My son knew I was talking to you and he begged me not to,” another Harvard-Westlake mother told me. “He wants to go to a great university, and he told me that one bad statement from me will ruin us. This is the United States of America. Are you freaking kidding me?”

Woke-Weaning for Harvard

These are America’s elites — the families who can afford to pay some $50,000 a year for their children to be groomed for the eating clubs of Princeton and the secret societies of Yale, the glide path to becoming masters — sorry, masterx — of the universe. The ideas and values instilled in them influence the rest of us.


Power in America now comes from speaking woke, a highly complex and ever-evolving language. (…)

‘Educated in Resentment and Fear’

I am in a cult. Well, that’s not exactly right. It’s that the cult is all around me and I am trying to save kids from becoming members.” He sounds like a Scientology defector, but he is a math teacher at one of the most elite high schools in New York City. He is not politically conservative. “I studied critical theory; I saw Derrida speak when I was in college,” he says, “so when this ideology arrived at our school over the past few years, I recognized the language and I knew what it was. But it was in a mutated form.”

This teacher is talking with me because he is alarmed by the toll this ideology is taking on his students. “I started seeing what was happening to the kids. And that’s what I couldn’t take. They are being educated in resentment and fear. It’s extremely dangerous.”

Three thousand miles away, in Los Angeles, another prep-school teacher says something similar. “It teaches people who have so much to see themselves as victims. They think they are suffering oppression at one of the poshest schools in the country.


‘We Don’t Call Them Newton’s Laws Anymore’

The science program at Fieldston would make any parent swoon. The electives for 11th- and 12th-graders, according to the school’s website, include immunology, astronomy, neuroscience, and pharmacology.

But physics looks different these days. “We don’t call them Newton’s laws anymore,” an upperclassman at the school informs me. “We call them the three fundamental laws of physics. They say we need to ‘decenter whiteness,’ and we need to acknowledge that there’s more than just Newton in physics.”


A screenshot of “Accomplices Not Allies.”

To question any of the curricular changes, parents say, is to make yourself suspect: “Every group chat I’m on with school parents, with the exception of my concerned parents’ group, they have a pattern of shaming anyone who shares anything remotely political or dissents from the group narrative,” one Brentwood mother wrote to me. “Once someone shames one person, many chime in agreement. The times I speak up to defend those they shame, they attempt to shame me.”


One teacher told me that he was asked to teach an antiracist curriculum that included a “pyramid” of white supremacy. At the top was genocide. At the bottom was “two sides to every story.”

“‘Two sides to every story,’” he said. “That was on the racist pyramid.”
The pyramid of racism includes “we all belong to the human race.”

‘Mom, I Just Found Out I’m Racist’

But the most important consequence of the woke ideology isn’t a lesser English curriculum. It’s that the ideology, which seems to touch every aspect of schooling now, has changed children’s self-conception.


For high schoolers, the message is more explicit. A Fieldston student says that students are often told “if you are white and male, you are second in line to speak.” This is considered a normal and necessary redistribution of power.


Doublethinkers in American High Schools


Some students are rebelling, which, in this case, looks like becoming a Republican. But others go all-in on the ideology, which has created conflicts with parents who don’t. “The school has taken over as the moral guide, with me being the irritating person in the background who doesn’t really get it,” says one Harvard-Westlake mother.

So children learn how the new rules of woke work. The idea of lying in order to please a teacher seems like a phenomenon from the Soviet Union. But the high schoolers I spoke with said that they do versions of this, including parroting views they don’t believe in assignments so that their grades don’t suffer.


A Conspiracy of Silence

When I began working on this story, I didn’t feel that much sympathy for these parents. (…)

The parents in this story are not parents with no other options. Most have the capital — social and literal — to pull their kids out and hire private tutors. That they weren’t speaking out seemed to me cowardly, or worse.

The cynical answer for their silence is two words: Ivy League. “There are definitively rumors that the school has like, say, three picks for Duke and that if you stand up against this your kid will get blackballed,” says one mother.

Another explanation is groupthink and social pressure. (…) Most people want to be members of the club.”

I think it’s true that many people would rather violate their stated principles than be iced out of their social network. But this is a situation that goes beyond getting shunted to a bad table at the Robin Hood gala. To resist this ideology is to go against the entire institutional world.


This ideology isn’t speaking truth to power. It is the power.

Most alarmingly, the ideology is increasingly prevalent at the local public school. The incoming New York City schools chancellor is a vocal proponent of critical race theory. In Burbank, the school district just told middle- and high school teachers to stop teaching To Kill a Mockingbird and Of Mice and Men. The Sacramento school district is promoting racial segregation by way of “racial affinity groups,” where students can “cultivate racial solidarity and compassion and support each other in sitting with the discomfort, confusion, and numbness that often accompany white racial awakening.” The San Diego school district recently held a training in which white teachers were told that they “spirit murder” black children.

“I don’t mean to get emotional, I just feel helpless,” said one mother through tears. “I look at the public school and I am equally mortified. I can’t believe what they are doing to everybody. I’m too afraid. I’m too afraid to speak too loudly. I feel cowardly. I just make little waves.” Another tells me: “It’s fear of retribution. Would it cause our daughter to be ostracized? Would it cause people to ostracize us? It already has.”


Kun tuli "rasismipyramidista" puhe, niin lienee hyvä palauttaa mieliin:,125944.msg3265194.html#msg3265194

Michaela tuossa kyllä hyvin totetaa: "Olen kuullut sanottavan useamman kerran, että Suomessa ei voisi koskaan käydä kuten Yhdysvalloissa kävi. Eikö?" Niinpä.

Pistetään nämä vielä mukaan.


  • Vieras
Critical Social Justice / Woke-sekoilu
« Vastaus #81 : 12.03.2021, 19:17:48 »
Jokohan sitä pian Virheiden puoluekokoukset aloitetaan virkistävin Panche beh! huudoin?  :flowerhat: :facepalm:

Revenge of the Gods

California’s proposed ethnic studies curriculum urges students to chant to the Aztec deity of human sacrifice.


The new program, called the Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum, seeks to extend the Left’s cultural dominance of California’s public university system, 50 years in the making, to the state’s entire primary and secondary education system, which consists of 10,000 public schools serving a total of 6 million students.


R. Tolteka Cuauhtin, the original co-chair of the Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum, developed much of the material regarding early American history. In his book Rethinking Ethnic Studies, which is cited throughout the curriculum, Cuauhtin argues that the United States was founded on a “Eurocentric, white supremacist (racist, anti-Black, anti-Indigenous), capitalist (classist), patriarchal (sexist and misogynistic), heteropatriarchal (homophobic), and anthropocentric paradigm brought from Europe.” The document claims that whites began “grabbing the land,” “hatching hierarchies,” and “developing for Europe/whiteness,” which created “excess wealth” that “became the basis for the capitalist economy.” Whites established a “hegemony” that continues to the present day, in which minorities are subjected to “socialization, domestication, and ‘zombification.’”

The religious narrative is even more disturbing. Cuauhtin developed a related “mandala” claiming that white Christians committed “theocide” against indigenous tribes, killing their gods and replacing them with Christianity. (…) The ultimate goal is to “decolonize” American society and establish a new regime of “countergenocide” and “counterhegemony,” which will displace white Christian culture and lead to the “regeneration of indigenous epistemic and cultural futurity.”

This religious concept is fleshed out in the model curriculum’s official “ethnic studies community chant.” The curriculum recommends that teachers lead their students in a series of indigenous songs, chants, and affirmations, including the “In Lak Ech Affirmation,” which appeals directly to the Aztec gods. Students first clap and chant to the god Tezkatlipoka—whom the Aztecs traditionally worshipped with human sacrifice and cannibalism—asking him for the power to be “warriors” for “social justice.” Next, the students chant to the gods Quetzalcoatl, Huitzilopochtli, and Xipe Totek, seeking “healing epistemologies” and “a revolutionary spirit.” Huitzilopochtli, in particular, is the Aztec deity of war and inspired hundreds of thousands of human sacrifices during Aztec rule. Finally, the chant comes to a climax with a request for “liberation, transformation, [and] decolonization,” after which students shout “Panche beh! Panche beh!” in pursuit of ultimate “critical consciousness.”


California parents should be concerned. Under the guise of “equity” and “empowerment,” activists within the public education system have developed this radical new curriculum in order to transform California schools into factories for left-wing political activism. (…) it presents education not as a means of achieving competency, but as a “tool for transformation, social, economic, and political change, and liberation.”


The state board of education will vote on this curriculum next week. Any sane governing body would reject it wholesale. Given the nature of California politics, though, the board is likely to pass it. (...)


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Critical Social Justice / Woke-sekoilu
« Vastaus #82 : 13.03.2021, 17:17:37 »
^ Eikö nää ole kuulleet Guadalupen Neitsyen ilmestyksistä atsteekkimaajussi Juan Diegolle?  Atsteekit luopuivat julmista jumalistaan, koska halusivat itse päästä turvaan niiltä hallitsevan eliitin kansan orjuuttamiseen käyttämiltä verenhimoisilta demoneita.


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  • qui enim non est adversum vos pro vobis est
Critical Social Justice / Woke-sekoilu
« Vastaus #83 : 13.03.2021, 19:00:22 »
^ Eikö nää ole kuulleet Guadalupen Neitsyen ilmestyksistä atsteekkimaajussi Juan Diegolle?  Atsteekit luopuivat julmista jumalistaan, koska halusivat itse päästä turvaan niiltä hallitsevan eliitin kansan orjuuttamiseen käyttämiltä verenhimoisilta demoneita.

Eiköhän näiden tavoitteena ole nimenomaan atsteekkijumalien paluu. Äärimmäisen passiivisagressiivista porukkaa, mutta kyllä siellä taustalla on silti aito, villiintymistään odottava verenhimo.

Hector voisi näistä laulaa sen Käenpojan.
qui non est mecum adversum me est

Lalli IsoTalo

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Critical Social Justice / Woke-sekoilu
« Vastaus #84 : 15.03.2021, 12:19:51 »
Kopioin tämän tännekin. Lievästi ketjun aiheeseen liittyen:

Scott Adams: Deprogramming your child  from occult wokeness 11:46
Episode 1313 Scott Adams: Wokeness Cult Deprogramming, CNN Cancels Abe Lincoln, N Korea Misses Trump

(Automaattisesti luotu litteraatti, stilisoin, lisäsin pilkut, pisteet ja isot alkukirjaimet.)

...Let me ask you this : do you think the schools should teach  cult awareness  classes?

This idea came from jg bennett  on twitter. Imagine a cult awareness  class that comes immediately after your  critical  race theory class so imagine both of  those classes they teach critical race  theory  and then right after it there's a class  on recognizing cults.

Well i don't think that's going to  happen because it would never get  through the teachers unions and approved.  But i ask the following questions:

Suppose  there were some kind of a private  company  that offered the service of  deprogramming your child  from whatever occult wokeness things you  think they shouldn't be learning  in school. Would you buy that service?

I tweeted that and turns out a lot  of people would.

Now of course a lot of people say ’hey i  did buy that service it's called  homeschooling’.

... There are lots of private tutors  who augment what kids are learning in  school. ... Why would you not have a  special kind of tutor  who just comes in every let's say once a  once a year  and just deprograms your kid so that  they're not  indoctrinated  into too much of a wokeness cult?

... How long would it take  to teach it  and i was thinking i could do it in one  hour. You'd only need me - you know, if I were  part of this  company deprogramming your child - maybe  one hour  once a quarter once a year.

Something  like that wouldn't be a lot. And then I thought well, why don't I just  do a video on it  and people can have a single single  topic video  to deprogram your child, and i'll just  teach them the lessons in my book  Loser Think  and  maybe a little bit  from Win Bigly [Win Bigly: Persuasion in a World Where Facts Don't Matter ] about persuasion.

Loser think is about how to identify  which is what keeps you from being  indoctrinated in a cult. If you can identify what they're doing  while they're doing it you can say ’oh I see what's going on here’.

I could teach  that in an hour. I don't think it would take much longer  because here are the sort of things I would teach them:

[1] Do you know that if it's  not reported by both the left and the  right, it's probably not true.

[2] Did you know  that half of the things you think are  science turn out not to be true?

[3] Did you know that when they tell you to trust the science, that you don't ever see science?

 All you  ever see is people who have interpreted  it for you, so you never even have a chance to trust science. It's not even an option. The only thing  you have is whether you trust the person  who interpreted it for you . And why would you? There's there's no law  that says you should trust people. Sure you should trust science,  but if the only thing you know about it comes from people ... don't trust the people.

So those are the  kinds of lessons. How long would it take to to  teach somebody just what i just told you? Well i did it in less than a minute. It was like three important points in  less than 60 seconds. Now of course you have to repeat things, and put a story around things, and  know make them sticky. But I think  about an hour  you could teach kids how to fend [pitää huolta itsestään] for  themselves and recognize a cult.

So i'm  thinking of doing that but i don't know  if i will.
— Monikulttuuri = Kulttuurien sota
— Pakkomamutus = Kansanmurha
— Valtionvelka = Lapsen velkaorjuus
— Ei omaisuutta = Systeemin orja
— Digital ID = Systeemin orja
— Vihreä siirtymä = Kallis luontotuho
— Hiilineutraalius = VHM:n kuristus
— DEI, woke, SDP = Tasa-arvon tuho
— Valkoinen =  Rotusyyllinen
— Missä N, siellä R


  • Vieras
Critical Social Justice / Woke-sekoilu
« Vastaus #85 : 15.03.2021, 13:56:02 »

Pitipä itsekin lukaista tuo artikkeli, on kyllä varsin hyvä esimerkki wokeistien toiminnasta ja ajatusmaailmasta. Pseudo-todellisuutta, liioittelua, valehtelua, herjaamista, psykopaattisuutta, maalitusta, uhriutumista, vihan lietsomista, marxilaisuutta, kaikkea mahdollista… Ja tietenkin varsinainen pääpointti on eri mieltä olevien sensuroinnin vaatiminen, nyt siis Substackin kohdalla. Jonne siis moni järkevä toimittaja on viime aikoina paennut valtamedian sensuuria.

In Queers We Trust. All Others Pay Cash.


In the first months of 2018, I received an email from Hamish McKenzie, asking me to consider writing for his new platform. I had never heard of Substack, at that point, and nor had anyone else. (…)

There were writers who could make money out of this, Hamish assured me. If you worked at it full time, with at least four posts a month, preferably multiple posts a week, you could almost make as much as a real job.  (…)

(…) Here’s what I think: Three years down the line, I’m still a feminist, I’m out as a trans person, and in the time I’ve been writing here, Substack has become famous for giving massive advances — the kind that were never once offered to me or my colleagues, not up front and not after the platform took off — to people who actively hate trans people and women, argue ceaselessly against our civil rights, and in many cases, have a public history of directly, viciously abusing trans people and/or cis women in their industry.

Glenn Greenwald started his Substack by inveighing against trans rights and/or ACLU lawyer Chase Strangio, is currently using it to direct harassment at a female New York Times reporter, and has repeatedly used his platform to whitewash alleged rapists and domestic abusers.  (…)

Tuli muitakin nimiä, mutta eiköhän Greenwaldin läpikäynti riitä:

Greenwald siis kritisoi sitä, että nykyajan teineille suunnattua trans-aivopesua arvostelevan kirjan myynti yritettiin kieltää, ja että tuo ACLUn tyyppi kannusti ja juhlisti näitä pyrkimyksiä. -> trans-vastainen

Ja kirjoitti siitä, että miten NYT:n tähtitoimittajaa, jonka työ ilmeisesti koostuu lähinnä väärinajattelijoiden metsästämisestä ja canceloinnista, tarvittaessa vaikka valehtelemalla, pitää voida kritisoida ilman, että kyseinen toimittaja uhriutuu ja koko NYT / valtamedia hyökkää kimppuun. -> ahdistelee naistoimittajaa

Ja on puolustanut sananvapautta / Julian Assangea USAn / UKn viranomaisten metsästykseltä -> valkopesee väitettyä raiskaajaa

(Ottamatta nyt itse kantaa asiaan) Ja on kirjoittanut siitä, että 12-13 vuotiaana varsin ikäviä tytöille tehnyttä, nykyisin 19-vuotiasta ”progressiivista” poliitikonalkua tulisi kohdella samalla tavoin kuin muitakin lapsena pahoja tehnyttä, ja ehkä kannattaisi ainakin kuunnella mitä henkilöllä itsellään on sanottavana -> puolustaa "perheväkivaltaa"

Siis ihan normi woke-meininkiä, kaikki syytökset on joko täyttä paskaa, tai sitten kirjoittajan itsensä sekopäisiä tulkintoja.

Those are just the assholes. Increasingly, Substack is tolerating and funding extreme trans-eliminationist rhetoric: They host Jesse Singal, a high-profile supporter of anti-trans conversion therapy who is also widely known to fixate on and stalk trans women in and around the media industry. I would list Jesse’s targets, but at this point, I don’t know a trans woman in media who doesn’t have a story.  (…)

Mitä tutustuin asiaan, niin todellakin, hyvin monella transulla on stoori, yhdelläkään ei kuitenkaan ole toistaiseksi ollut esittää mitään todisteita väitteidensä tueksi. Mutta eihän sillä tietenkään ole näille mitään merkitystä, vaan pelkästään sillä, miten nämä wokeistit sekopäisissä pikku päissään asian ovat tulkinneet. Ja tietenkin, pitää sitä woke-kaveria aina tukea, vaikkei edes tietäisi koko asiasta mitään. No, takaisin tähän artikkeliksi kutsuttuun oksennukseen.

I’m not even listing all the problematic bylines here. (Andrew Sullivan! Bari Weiss!) Those bylines themselves are not the problem. Self-publishing platforms can’t control who signs up. Substack isn’t a self-publishing platform, though. It curates its writers. It pays them, sometimes massively, and it makes choices as to who gets paid well and who doesn’t. We’ve seen instances of tech companies allowing hate group leaders to acquire huge followings through negligence, from white supremacist YouTube stars to a President who has to be banned from Twitter for trying to start a civil war, but those were cases where the platforms failed to keep bigots out. Substack is actively bringing the bigots in. Then it’s giving them paychecks.

So where is Substack getting the money to pay the TERFs? Simple: From me.

Substack takes a small percentage of my subscription money, and that money goes to fund the writers they view to be better investments. I give them my money, and they use that money to pay men who have, in several instances, stalked or harassed either me or people I care about. (…) I gave Substack my trust, my name, and my credibility, and it used that credibility to platform hate groups aimed at eliminating me and everyone I care about from the face of the planet.

This is a very clear instance of how patriarchy and capitalism function together: Value is extracted from gender-marginalized writers, who are expected to work on bad and frankly insulting terms, and the wealth generated by those writers is then given to a select handful of mostly-white men who ceaselessly attack and seek to erode those workers’ civil rights. I don’t support it. I don’t think any trans person should support it. Yet, by using the platform, I am inevitably enmeshing myself in that system of oppression, working for the people who are working for our destruction.

Coexisting with this knowledge is the painful truth that I think the actual work I do here is good. It might be some of the best writing I’ve done in recent years. My particular voice — idiosyncratic, conversational, prone to oversharing and going long — tends to work well in an informal context like a blog or a newsletter. Especially now that I’m transitioning, I need a place to put those more intimate and direct pieces, and the newsletter has become my favorite place to do that. I think this is probably the purest showcase for who I am as a writer, and I don’t want to lose it.

I also don’t want to lose the income. I honestly can’t remember what percentage Substack takes, but it’s low, between seven and fifteen percent. Until recently, I’ve never had enough subscribers for it to matter. That’s my fault: The platform couldn’t offer serious terms, so I never took it seriously. (…)

Yet media is a precarious place to work. I’ve lost seemingly secure jobs for reasons beyond my control — a department got axed, a grant didn’t get renewed, a friendly editor was replaced by one who wanted to go in a different direction — and if you work freelance, which I typically do, you can’t file for unemployment when that happens. This place is my unemployment office. I’ve gotten to the point that I could use Substack to cover the rent if I lost all my other jobs. It’s not a quarter-million bucks, but it matters.

So I have a choice to make, a choice that neither I nor any gender-marginalized person should ever have to make: Either I walk away from a necessary income stream and creative outlet, or I stay and allow my work to fund abuse, harassment, misogyny, and a movement that wants trans people silenced, impoverished, invisible and dead.

(...) Only Substack can remedy this situation, and it can do it only by shutting down platforms it’s gotten a lot of money from and cis male voices it values a lot more highly than mine.

To be clear: There are also cis feminists taking major advances from Substack. They are not the ones threatening to quit; they are not freezing their subscriptions to deny Substack a (considerably bigger) chunk of change; they are not the ones most directly or severely impacted by the kinds of hate Substack is promoting, even though several of the men I’ve cited above, like Greenwald and De Boer, are misogynists and rape apologists in addition to their other problems. (...)


UPDATE #2: Hamish McKenzie has written a blog post justifying Substack’s decisions.  (…)

In essence, Hamish believes that history will decide whether trans people are human beings deserving of civil rights. Or, at least, this is what he’s arguing on behalf of the company he co-founded. He intimates vaguely that there are “other companies,” in essence telling trans writers to stop using Substack if we don’t want to work for and with people who believe us to be subhuman.

Ja Hämiksen vastaus siis oli:

Vielä "artikkelin" lopusta:

Hamish McKenzie has made no effort to communicate with me, either publicly or privately, since this post was published.

Tosi outo juttu, kun noin rakentavasti yritetään avata keskustelua...


  • Vieras
Critical Social Justice / Woke-sekoilu
« Vastaus #86 : 17.03.2021, 14:36:28 »
Kun Suomessakin on ilmeisesti kriittinen rotuteoria jo täydessä käytössä, niin heitetään tähän yksi artikkeli asiasta.

Eight Big Reasons Critical Race Theory Is Terrible for Dealing with Racism

As unlikely as it seems, a highly obscure academic theory known as Critical Race Theory has completely mainstreamed in society, and now everyone is discussing it. While Critical Race Theory has the noble goal of pointing out problems that can be hard to see and that maintain or constitute racism, it turns out to be a remarkably bad way of going about this. A little familiarity with the basic principles of Critical Race Theory and how they go wrong can help with this.

Before I begin, I offer my apologies to the reader. Critical Race Theory has been growing for over 40 years, and it has many deep problems. Therefore, this is long, and still it is not nearly complete. (…)

1) Critical Race Theory believes racism is present in every aspect of life, every relationship, and every interaction.


These assumptions lead people who take up Critical Race Theory to look for racism in everything until they find it. That is, after all, the job of a “critical” theorist or activist: to look for the hidden problems that they assume must be present in whatever they scrutinize.

In the workplace that adopts Critical Race Theory, this means that it’s only a matter of time until someone with that worldview finds out how your entire company and its culture is “racist.” At that point, they will cause a meltdown that forces everyone to take sides and demand a reorganization of the entire (now divided) office culture and management.

In schools, it will mean teaching our children to think this way and always be looking for racism in every situation and interaction.  (…)

2) “Interest convergence”: White people only give black people opportunities and freedoms when it is also in their own interests.


The Interest-Convergence Thesis makes it literally impossible for anyone with any racial privilege (again, as outlined by Critical Race Theory) to do anything right because anything they do right must also have been self-interested. If Critical Race Theory makes a demand of people with any form of racial privilege and they comply, they just make themselves more complicit in “racism” as Critical Race Theory sees it. By giving people no way out, Critical Race Theory becomes deeply manipulative and unable to be satisfied in its lists of demands.

3) Critical Race Theory is against free societies.

Believe it or not, Critical Race Theory is not a liberal idea. It is, in fact, critical of liberal societies and against the idea of freedom to its core. Critical Race Theory sees a free society as a way to structure and maintain inequities by convincing racial minorities not to want to do radical identity politics. (…)

These movements [Critical Theory movements upon which Critical Race Theory is based] initially advocated for a type of liberal humanism (individualism, freedom, and peace) but quickly turned to a rejection of liberal humanism. The ideal of individual autonomy that underlies liberal humanism (the idea that people are free to make independent rational decisions that determine their own fate) was viewed as a mechanism for keeping the marginalized in their place by obscuring larger structural systems of inequality. In other words, it [free society] fooled people into believing they had more freedom and choice than societal structures actually allow. (p. 5)

In other words, Critical Race Theory sees free societies and the ideals that make them work—individualism, freedom, peace—as a kind of tacit conspiracy theory that we all participate in to keep racial minorities down. When its advocates accuse people of being “complicit in systems of racism,” this is part of what they mean. Obviously, they would prefer that we do not have free societies and would rather arrange society as they see fit and make us all go along with their ideas.

4) Critical Race Theory only treats race issues as “socially constructed groups,” so there are no individuals in Critical Race Theory.

Critical Race Theory isn’t just against free societies and the individualism that enables them, but it also doesn’t even believe individuals meaningfully exist at all! In Critical Race Theory, every person has to be understood in terms of the social groups they are said to inhabit, and these are determined by their identity, including race. (…)

Critical Race Theory forces people into these averages, though, and considers them primarily in terms of their group identity rather than their individual identity. This is part of why they use the word “folks” instead of “people”—it designates a social group.

Thus, in Critical Race Theory, the goal of ideally treating every person as an individual who is equal before the law and meant to be judged upon the contents of their character and merits of their work is considered a myth that keeps racial minorities down. Instead, it sees people according to their racial groups only. (…)

5) Critical Race Theory believes science, reason, and evidence are a “white” way of knowing and that storytelling and lived experience are a “black” alternative.

Remember above, where Delgado and Stefancic said that “normal science” is a part of the everyday, ordinary racism of our societies? That’s because Critical Race Theory is not particularly friendly to science (…)

Since modern science was predominantly produced by white, Western men, Critical Race Theory therefore views science as a white and Western “way of knowing.” Critical Race Theory therefore maintains that science encodes and perpetuates “white dominance” and thus isn’t really fitting for black people who inhabit a (political) culture of Blackness.


Continuing the genuinely racist thinking that black people aren’t suited to or served by science, Delgado and Stefancic say that storytelling about their “lived experience” is the primary mode by which black people and Critical Race Theory produce and advance knowledge. Importantly, these lived experiences are only considered valid if they agree with Critical Race Theory.  (…)

While stories can be informative, to create a position that science is a “way of knowing” for white, Western people (especially men) and storytelling is one more suited to racial minorities, Critical Race Theory is itself racist (against racial minorities) and cripples the people it claims to help. This happens in multiple ways, including by undermining their capacity for critical thinking, teaching them to see the world in an us-versus-them way that oppresses them, and associating them with harmful, negative stereotypes that rigorous methods are what white people, and not black people, use.

6) Critical Race Theory rejects all potential alternatives, like colorblindness, as forms of racism.


In fact, as you might guess now, it sees the idea of “colorblindness” as one of the most racist things possible because it hides the real racism from view. “While colorblindness sounds good in theory, in practice it is highly problematic,” write Sensoy and DiAngelo (p. 108). (…)

While there is a point here—that being too colorblind can cause someone not to see racism at all, even when it is a real problem and especially when its influence is subtle (this is called “racism-blindness”)—the remedy Critical Race Theory gives to this imperfection in the colorblind approach is to do exactly the opposite. Thus, racism has to be made relevant in every situation where racism is present, which is every situation, as we saw in point #1 above, and it has attached incredible amounts of social significance to race and how it factors into every interaction. That means you have to find and focus upon the “hidden” racism in your workplace, your school, your society, your neighborhood, your books, your food, your music, your hobbies, your faith, your church, your community, your friends, your relationships, and yourself (and everything else too) all the time, according to Critical Race Theory.

This has the opposite of the putatively intended effect. Although it does cause people to see some legitimate racism that they would have otherwise missed, it makes all of our relationships and social systems extremely fragile and tense, ready to explode over a highly divisive issue. (…)

7) Critical Race Theory acts like anyone who disagrees with it must do so for racist and white supremacist reasons, even if those people are black.

Following the “social construction” thesis discussed above in point #4, Critical Race Theory has outlined what the essential experience of each racial group is. It then judges individual people (especially of minority races) on how well they give testimonial to that experience—which is to say, they judge individual people based on how well they support Critical Race Theory. This makes it impossible to disagree with Critical Race Theory, even if you are black.


This phenomenon can be explained. As Nikole Hannah-Jones, creator of the New York Times Magazine 1619 Project (a Critical Race Theory historiography—not an article of history), tweeted (and then deleted) that there is “racially black” on the one hand, and “politically Black” on the other. Critical Race Theory is only interested in the identity politics associated with being “politically Black,” and anyone who disagrees with Critical Race Theory—even if “racially black”—does not qualify. The common way to phrase this is that they are “not really Black.” This means that in Critical Race Theory, diversity (which it calls for often) must be only skin deep. Everyone’s politics must agree and must agree with Critical Race Theory.

This is obviously much worse a problem for white people or others who are said to have “racial privilege.” There are more concepts in Critical Race Theory to deal specifically with how and why white people are racists for disagreeing with Critical Race Theory than perhaps any other idea. (…) All of these ideas implicate racially privileged people in racism anytime they disagree with Critical Race Theory.

88) Critical Race Theory cannot be satisfied.

We have already seen how Critical Race Theory cannot be disagreed with, even by black people. We have also seen how it rejects all alternatives and how it believes any success that it has comes down to “interest convergence.” Because it rejects science, it cannot be falsified or proven wrong by evidence, and because it assumes racism is present and relevant to all situations and interactions, even the acceptance of Critical Race Theory must somehow also contain racism. Therefore, Critical Race Theory cannot be satisfied. It is, in this way, like a black hole. No matter how much you give to it, it cannot be filled and only gets stronger—and it will tear apart anything that gets too close to it.


And that’s not all!

This is a grim but fair description of Critical Race Theory, and, what’s worse, it’s woefully incomplete. There are other horrible ideas at the very core of Critical Race Theory that fall in this same mold that we do not have time to list here. (…)


  • Vieras
Critical Social Justice / Woke-sekoilu
« Vastaus #87 : 19.03.2021, 01:42:45 »
Viime vuosisadan puolella oli parikin ideologiaa, joiden kannattajien mielestä vanhemmat eivät osaa kasvattaa lapsiaan oikein, vaan yhteiskunnan pitää puuttua asiaan. Tietenkin kaikki yrittävät aina vain edistää hyvää asiaa.


Toinen juttu samasta aiheesta, ja kenenkä nimi nousee esiin... Ja taas listoja, niitä nämä kyllä oikein rakastavat.

Teachers Compile List Of Parents Who Question Racial Curriculum, Plot War On Them

"Infiltrate... shut down their websites… expose these people publicly"

A group of current and former teachers and others in Loudoun County, Virginia, compiled a lengthy list of parents suspected of disagreeing with school system actions, including its teaching of controversial racial concepts — with a stated purpose in part to “infiltrate,” use “hackers” to silence parents’ communications, and “expose these people publicly.”

Members of a 624-member private Facebook group called “Anti-Racist Parents of Loudoun County” named parents and plotted fundraising and other offline work. Some used pseudonyms, but The Daily Wire has identified them as a who’s who of the affluent jurisdiction outside D.C., including school staff and elected officials.

The sheriff’s criminal investigations division is reviewing the matter — but the group’s activities might be no surprise to top law enforcement because the county’s prosecutor, narrowly elected with the help of $845,000 in cash from George Soros, appears to be a member of the Facebook group.


Jänskä juttu, miten tietty porukka otti Suomessa niin kovasti nokkiinsa, kun täällä yritettiin aloittaa "ilmiantokampanjaa" opettajien natsi..., ei kun siis woke-sikailusta. Eikä pidä tarttua tarkkoihin sanamuotoihin, Suomessa asiat luultavasti hoidetaan vähän peitellymmin.

Loppuun vielä tämä...

« Viimeksi muokattu: 19.03.2021, 01:44:19 kirjoittanut zupi »


  • Jäsen^^
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  • Viestejä: 399
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Critical Social Justice / Woke-sekoilu
« Vastaus #88 : 19.03.2021, 05:00:09 »
As Nikole Hannah-Jones, creator of the New York Times Magazine 1619 Project (a Critical Race Theory historiography—not an article of history), tweeted (and then deleted) that there is “racially black” on the one hand, and “politically Black” on the other. Critical Race Theory is only interested in the identity politics associated with being “politically Black,” and anyone who disagrees with Critical Race Theory—even if “racially black”—does not qualify. The common way to phrase this is that they are “not really Black.” This means that in Critical Race Theory, diversity (which it calls for often) must be only skin deep. Everyone’s politics must agree and must agree with Critical Race Theory.

Tässä on hyvä esimerkki siitä, miten huonosti CRT & co. sopivat Suomeen. Yhdysvaltain ja Suomen konteksteissa "poliittinen rotu" saa täysin erilaiset merkitykset. Eihän näitä ole mitenkään sovitettavissa Suomeen. Suomessa ehkä saamelaisilla ja romaneilla voi olla jotain oikeutta näistä puhumiseen, mutta saamelaisten asiat ovat hyvin ja romanit enimmäkseen ovat ihan itse omien ongelmiensa takana. Toki jos nyt sattuu olemaan se ahkera romani, niin voi olla hieman vaikeampaa saada työtä.


  • Vieras
Critical Social Justice / Woke-sekoilu
« Vastaus #89 : 20.03.2021, 23:36:14 »
Tässä twiittiketjussa kerrotaan vähän tarkemmin siitä, miten vihavasurit aivopesee lapsia / nuoria. Pistän tähän nyt lainauksina, twiittiketjussa mukana havainnollistavia kuvia.

"Sit with it"

This is the meme level version of the "pedagogy of discomfort."

The goal is to use discomfort/shame to destroy your moral authority and create emotional vulnerability they can exploit in order to manipulate you.

It's a disgusting and manipulative tactic.

The point is to accuse people of bigotry (IE racism and sexism) and then force them to "sit with the uncomfortable emotions and body sensations that arise when encountering potentially difficult topics."

The academic literature in Social Justice says this explicitly:

To fill you with as much shame/discomfort as possible, they try to prevent "turning away in fear and/or getting hijacked by intellectualizing"

In other words, you're not allowed to leave (turn away) or use your brain to think about what they tell you (intellectualizing)

The pedagogy of discomfort weaponizes shame to make people feel vulnerable and guilty about participation in "systems of power" like "whiteness, racism, and sexism" and then makes them stew in their shame, confussion, and dissonance.

Once people feel bad and worthless...

The Social Justice Activist offers the person a way to stop feeling horrible:

They tell you that you can stop being horrible if you convert to Social Justice by "becoming an anti-racist" and committing to "do the work."

It's every bit as manipulative and abusive as it sounds

Most woke activists haven't actually read the literature on the pedagogy of discomfort.

They learn the tactic by seeing other woke activists use it, and learn that shaming people with accusations and telling them to "sit with it" is an effective way of manipulating people...

The meme level version of this, which @R_Denhollander
 is using, is to just blame people for horrible things that happen, shame them for "not caring," on insinuate they are responsible for something they didn't do, and then tell them to "sit with it."

It's disgusting...

The always brilliant @ConceptualJames
 did a thread on this where he explains how the "pedagogy of discomfort" is tied in to the rest of Social Justice ideology.

I highly recommend you read it here: (

This is a gross, ugly, manipulative, way of interacting with people.

Learn how to see it coming, call it out for what it is, and reject it whem they use it.

"Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus"   -Romans 8:1


Alla pätkiä Lindsayn erillisestä kirjoituksesta, missä käsiteltiin "kriittistä pedagogiikkaa".


Critical pedagogy is the application of critical theory to and in education. To help unravel what’s contained in critical pedagogy—which is one of the most important concepts in Critical Social Justice—we should begin by noting that “pedagogy” means “theory of education.” Critical pedagogy therefore includes at least two related things at once: applying critical theory to the theory of education itself and making education be about teaching critical theory. In the shortest summary, critical pedagogy is a school of thought that is about making education be about instruction in critical theory in an attempt to make the goal of education be to awaken a critical consciousness in students and teachers (and, perhaps, also to achieve equity in education, i.e., radical equality of outcomes—see also, wokeness).


Critical pedagogy seems to have been an instrumental part of how critical theory and, subsequently, (applied) postmodern Theory have managed to mainstream themselves. Colleges of education have been under the sway of this line of thought for some time, and more than a generation of students have now been raised and educated with critical pedagogy playing some, if not a significant, role in their education. Because of the desire, even need, to wed Theory to praxis within education, as education is simultaneously theoretical and applicable at once, critical pedagogy has been a very effective site for Theory to become more practical and applicable and for this point of view to be taught (as a truth) to students.

Critical pedagogy is, as one might expect, a very broad subject, not least in that it has been developing at least since the late 1970s and somewhat earlier and because it can apply to the teaching of anything. Theoretically now, it is very interested in a variety of topics, particularly what might be described as a “critical constructivist epistemology” (as Joe Kincheloe termed it) as well as means of overcoming resistance to a critical education. The first of these is interested in how systems of power influence how knowledge(s) are produced, legitimated, and understood (see also, hegemony), and the second is concerned with ways in which a critical consciousness can be taught, including by being forced upon people who aren’t interested in it and who reject it. In this regard, many of the more concerning elements coming out of critical whiteness studies owe a great deal to the effort to apply that set of ideas within education.

Under the banner of the first of these objectives—critical constructivist epistemology—we have a strong adherence to social constructivism, which posits that the ways in which ideas and phenomena (especially knowledge, status as a knower, ways of knowing, etc.) are ultimately social constructions that need to be interrogated by means of the methods of critical theory. This strong adherence should not be mistaken for a recognition that there is relevance to understanding many phenomena in terms of how it can be regarded a social construction. It refers to something much stronger: that the most relevant feature of these phenomena is that they are socially constructed (which can be read as almost, but not quite, synonymous with “arbitrary,” thus, “capable of being made different”) and learned through socialization (see also, hegemony). A multitude of specialized concepts exists to Theorize these ideas, including epistemic injustice, testimonial injustice, hermeneutical injustice, epistemic oppression, and epistemic violence, to name a set of closely interrelated few.

This epistemological approach is then engaged in praxis through tools like “critical hope,” which is kind of the opposite of hope (as it is the “hope” that comes from engaging critically with the despair induced by systemic power), and, ominously, the “pedagogy of discomfort.” This latter idea posits that students must be made to feel discomfort and left to rest in that discomfort if they are to reckon with, confront, and eventually become genuinely critical of their privilege. This discomfort is, in fact, Theorized to be a necessary component in getting students to confront privilege, which is heavily Theorized as being naturally resistant to being confronted through critical methods (see also, internalized dominance, white comfort, white complicity, white equilibrium, white fragility, white innocence, white ignorance, white silence, white solidarity, white talk, white women’s tears, colortalk, racial contract, aversive racism, racial stress, racial humility, racial stamina, active ignorance, pernicious ignorance, willful ignorance, and privilege-preserving epistemic pushback). The goal of this sadistic approach to educating is to induce a perverted form of epistemic friction that is necessary to open up space for new learning. These are the tools relevant to the second of these banners—overcoming students’ resistance to a critical “education.”


Eihän tuollaista Suomessa? Katso ensimmäinen liitekuva Turun yliopiston kurssikuvauksesta.

Kriittinen pedagogiikka Suomessa

Suomessa kriittisestä pedagogiikasta on kirjoittanut muun muassa Juha Suoranta kirjassaan Radikaali kasvatus [4]. Kasvatus-lehden numero 1/2006 teemana oli kriittinen pedagogiikka. Aihetta tarkastellaan myös Tomi Kiilakosken, Tuukka Tomperin ja Marjo Vuorikosken toimittamassa teoksessa Kenen kasvatus? [5]. Aino Hannula on tutkinut väitöskirjassaan Tiedostaminen ja muutos Paulo Freiren ajattelussa [6] kriittisen pedagogiikan tunnetuimman edustajan filosofiaa. Sanna Ryynäsen väitöskirja Nuoria reunoilla. Sosiaalipedagoginen tutkimus rikollisuuden ja väkivallan keskellä elävien nuorten kasvun tukemisesta brasilialaisissa kansalaisjärjestöissä [7] hyödyntää Freiren ajattelua ja liittyy kriittiseen pedagogiikkaan.

Aihepiiristä on suomennettu Henry Giroux'lta ja Peter McLarenilta Tapio Aittolan ja Juha Suorannan toimittamana teos Kriittinen pedagogiikka, McLarenin teos Che Guevara, Paulo Freire ja vallankumouksen pedagogiikka, useita Theodor Adornon ja Max Horkheimerin tekstejä ja Paulo Freiren pääteos Sorrettujen pedagogiikka (1968/2005), jonka lopussa on laaja lähdeluettelo suomalaisesta Freire-kirjallisuudesta.[8] Lisäksi kriittisen pedagogiikan suomalaisia tutkimusavauksia on koottu kolmiosaiseen Kriittisen pedagogiikan kysymyksiä -kirjasarjaan [9], [10], [11].

Kriittistä pedagogiikkaa on Suomessa kehitelty myös suhteessa muihin osallistaviin tutkimusmenetelmiin ja kantaa ottaviin teoreettisiin ajattelutapoihin Juha Suorannan ja Sanna Ryynäsen kirjassa Taisteleva tutkimus (2014).

Mainittakoon tämä:
Juha Suoranta (s. 24. helmikuuta 1966 Tampere) on suomalainen tietokirjailija ja Tampereen yliopiston aikuiskasvatuksen professori vuodesta 2006[1].

Juha menee näköjään Twitterissä vähän stealth-moodissa, Sanna avautuu vähän enemmän. Kannattaa käydä tutustumassa.

Näiden sankarien tuotos:

Taisteleva tutkimus on ensimmäinen suomenkielinen perusteos ”taistelevista” tutkimusmenetelmistä. Taisteleva tutkimus tarkoittaa kriittisesti kantaa ottavaa ja toiminnallista tutkimusta, jossa sosiaalista todellisuutta tarkastellaan ja maailmaa muutetaan yhdessä eri toimintakentillä työskentelevien ihmisten kanssa.

Ehdotamme kirjassamme, että yhteiskuntatieteilijän tehtäväksi on kirjoittamisen ja julkaisemisen lisäksi tullut osallistuminen ja yhteistoiminta. Kirjassa kootaan yhteen eri tutkimusperinteitä, kuten sorrettujen ja vapautuksen pedagogiikka, kriittinen psykologia, kriittinen ja osallistuva toimintatutkimus, julkinen sosiologia, työläistutkimus, sosiologinen aikalaisanalyysi ja yhdessä kulkemisen menetelmä.

Taisteleva tutkimus rohkaisee yhteiskuntatieteellisten alojen opiskelijoita vaikuttamaan yhteisiin asioihin ja tarttumaan toimeen. Se neuvoo kansalaistoimijoita tutkimuksen ja aktivismin yhdistämiseen ja antaa välineitä elämänolosuhteiden parantamiseksi.

Taisteleva tutkimus on ilman muuta uraauurtava teos aiheesta, josta ei suomeksi ole aikaisemmin näin perusteellisesti kirjoitettu!”
>> Pentti Stranius, Kansan Uutiset, Verkkolehti 11.7.2014

Ja Kansan uutisista:

Tutkija aktiivisena toimijana

Juha Suorannan ja Sanna Ryynäsen Taisteleva tutkimus on sopivaa kesälukemista, sillä tietokirjaksi se on harvinaisen kansantajuinen. Tekijät eivät ole kuivanasiallisia kammiotutkijoita, vaan osallistuvia toimijoita, jotka osaavat innostaa oppilaitaan.

Suoranta (s. 1966) on tunnettu laadullisten tutkimusmenetelmien erittelijä ja vaihtoehtoisten mallien etsijä Tampereen yliopistosta. Ryynänen (s. 1972) on asunut, tutkinut ja osallistunut kansalaistoimintaan muun muassa Brasiliassa. (...)

Pääpaino on viime vuosikymmenissä ja kirjoittajat kantavat suurta huolta siitä, kuinka vähän akateeminen maailma oikeasti osallistuu tutkimuksissaan hätää kärsivien ja sorrettujen asialle. Yliopistot ovat unohtaneet kuuluisan ”kolmannen tehtävänsä”, vaikuttamisen yhteiskuntaan. Keskeinen käsite on praksis. Se edellyttää tutkijalta teorian ja käytännön yhteenliittämistä, osallistumista, aktivismia. Maailman selittäminen ei riitä. On oltava niiden puolella, jotka haluavat pois ”sorron yöstä”.

Kirjan toisessa osassa esitellään käytäntöjä, liikkeitä, tutkimusmalleja. Sellaiset termit kuten vapautuksen sosiologia ja teologia, kriittinen etnografia, toimintatutkimus, uusi työläistutkimus, anarkistinen metodologia, feministinen tutkimus, ekologinen aktivismi, militanttitutkimus tulevat näkyviksi ja monin tavoin analysoiduiksi myös kriittisessä mielessä. Kolmannessa osassa paneudutaan siihen mitä on tehtävä ja kuinka opitaan ”taistelevaksi tutkijaksi”.


Toistan aiemmassa viestissä esittämäni "ihmetykseni" siitä, miten tietty porukka niin kovasti pahastui siitä, että julkisuuteen pitäisi tuoda tietoa siitä, mitä siellä kouluissa oikeasti opetetaan.

Loppuun vielä yksi linkki, jos joku haluaa käydä tutustumassa siihen, missä tällä hetkellä mennään. Toinen liitekuva liittyy tähän. Lyhyt lainaus:

Yhteiskunnassa vallitsevaan eläinkäsitykseen ja eläinsuhteeseen liittyen tutkimustuloksissa nousi esiin ihmiskeskeisyys ja lajisorto. Vallitseva eläinkäsitys korostaa eläinten erilaisuutta ja alemmuutta ihmiseen verrattuna. Vallitseva eläinsuhde on dualistinen, hierarkkinen, riistävä, sortava, hallitseva, toiseuttava ja välineellinen.

Eläinten asemaa tuotetaan ja ylläpidetään yhteiskunnassa monenlaisilla mekanismeilla, joita ovat talousjärjestelmä, näkymättömyys, etääntyminen, tietämättömyys, hegemonia, normalisointi, sosiaalinen konstruointi ja diskurssit. Tutkimustulosten mukaan eläimiä ei yleensä oteta huomioon kasvatuksen kontekstissa. Kasvatus uusintaa eläinten asemaa, kun se normalisoi vallitsevan eläinkäsityksen ja eläinsuhteen.

Eläinten vapautuminen sorrosta on tärkeää paitsi eläinten itsensä, myös ihmisten ja luonnon vuoksi. Eläinten vapautuminen vaatii aivan uudenlaista eläinkäsitystä ja eläinsuhdetta. Tutkimustulosten perusteella kasvatuksella on tärkeä rooli kulttuurin uudistamisessa, muutoksen mahdollistamisessa ja eläinten vapautumisessa.

VMP ja eipä tarvi ihmetellä, miksi suuri osa Suomen nuorista vetää mielialalääkkeitä ja toimii kuten toimii.

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« Viimeksi muokattu: 20.03.2021, 23:41:32 kirjoittanut zupi »