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Scott Adams: Deprogramming your child from occult wokenesshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TTRvY4c4TEU 11:46
Episode 1313 Scott Adams: Wokeness Cult Deprogramming, CNN Cancels Abe Lincoln, N Korea Misses Trump
(Automaattisesti luotu litteraatti, stilisoin, lisäsin pilkut, pisteet ja isot alkukirjaimet.)
...Let me ask you this : do you think the schools should teach cult awareness classes?
This idea came from jg bennett on twitter. Imagine a cult awareness class that comes immediately after your critical race theory class so imagine both of those classes they teach critical race theory and then right after it there's a class on recognizing cults.
Well i don't think that's going to happen because it would never get through the teachers unions and approved. But i ask the following questions:
Suppose there were some kind of a private company that offered the service of deprogramming your child from whatever occult wokeness things you think they shouldn't be learning in school. Would you buy that service?
I tweeted that and turns out a lot of people would.
Now of course a lot of people say ’hey i did buy that service it's called homeschooling’.
... There are lots of private tutors who augment what kids are learning in school. ... Why would you not have a special kind of tutor who just comes in every let's say once a once a year and just deprograms your kid so that they're not indoctrinated into too much of a wokeness cult?
... How long would it take to teach it and i was thinking i could do it in one hour. You'd only need me - you know, if I were part of this company deprogramming your child - maybe one hour once a quarter once a year.
Something like that wouldn't be a lot. And then I thought well, why don't I just do a video on it and people can have a single single topic video to deprogram your child, and i'll just teach them the lessons in my book Loser Think and maybe a little bit from Win Bigly [Win Bigly: Persuasion in a World Where Facts Don't Matter ] about persuasion.
Loser think is about how to identify which is what keeps you from being indoctrinated in a cult. If you can identify what they're doing while they're doing it you can say ’oh I see what's going on here’.
I could teach that in an hour. I don't think it would take much longer because here are the sort of things I would teach them:
Do you know that if it's not reported by both the left and the right, it's probably not true.[2]
Did you know that half of the things you think are science turn out not to be true?[3]
Did you know that when they tell you to trust the science, that you don't ever see science? All you ever see is people who have interpreted it for you, so you never even have a chance to trust science. It's not even an option. The only thing you have is whether you trust the person who interpreted it for you . And why would you? There's there's no law that says you should trust people. Sure you should trust science, but if the only thing you know about it comes from people ... don't trust the people.
So those are the kinds of lessons. How long would it take to to teach somebody just what i just told you? Well i did it in less than a minute. It was like three important points in less than 60 seconds. Now of course you have to repeat things, and put a story around things, and know make them sticky. But I think about an hour you could teach kids how to fend [pitää huolta itsestään] for themselves and recognize a cult.
So i'm thinking of doing that but i don't know if i will.