Kirjoittaja Aihe: Tutkimuksia maahanmuuton vaikutuksesta julkiseen talouteen  (Luettu 244322 kertaa)


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Vs: Tutkimuksia maahanmuuton vaikutuksesta julkiseen talouteen
« Vastaus #90 : 15.09.2024, 15:17:23 »
Lainaus käyttäjältä: Matti Viren, 8.9.2024 kello 23.15.20, Linkki
Mistä sinä tiedät, että Ruotsi on hyötynyt? Ai niin seuraat YLE:ä ja HS:a tiiviisti. Et vahingossa lukisi paikallisen talousneuvoston tutkimusta.

Refugee immigration and public sector finances
Longitudinal evidence from Sweden
This is an analysis of refugee immigration and public sector finances in Sweden. All refugees who were listed in the national population registers from 2005 to 2007 are tracked from 2006 to 2012. We present two measures of the public sector’s net costs related to refugee immigration. In the first measure, public revenues are related to all public costs associated with refugee immigration. The second measure relates public revenues to public costs associated with immigration, excluding costs that can be assumed to be fixed in the short run when refugee immigration increases. By presenting these two measures we are able to present an upper and a lower bound for the public net costs of refugee immigration during a refugee´s first years in Sweden. Our results reveal that during a refugee’s first year of residency in Sweden after the asylum application has been approved, the public sector net costs for that refugee’s immigration are between 95,000 SEK and 190,000 SEK, depending on how public costs are allocated to the refugee population. After seven years in Sweden, the cost for that refugee is between 37,000 SEK and 125,000 SEK. Large differences are found between refugees with different educational attainment as regards the extent to which they incur a cost for the public sector’s finances.
The striking differences between highly educated refugees and less-educated refugees become even more pronounced when we exclude public costs than can be assumed to be fixed in the short run from the calculations. After seven years in Sweden, the average per capita cost is about 49,000 SEK for a refugee with nine years of compulsory schooling while the net cost for refugees with university education is almost zero.

So what have we learned from these calculations? As far as we know, this is the first study to explore how public revenues and costs associated with refugee immigration evolve as a refugee’s time in Sweden increases. Previous research in this area has focused on the redistribution of incomes between natives and refugees during a certain year, or over a certain number of years. In a previous Swedish study, Ruist (2015) uses an approach similar to ours and calculates the public net cost per refugee during the year 2007. Ruist finds that in 2007 each individual with a refugee background incurred a net cost for the public sector of 70,000 SEK. Not surprisingly, our results are consistent with those findings. However, we have also shown that during a refugee’s first seven years in Sweden the yearly net cost for the public sector is considerably higher. Against Ruist’s findings, and according to the results presented in our study, we have evidence that it takes several years before, if ever, refugee immigration becomes a net gain for the public sector finances in Sweden.

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Lainaus käyttäjältä: Jari Ikonen, 9.9.2024 kello 11.01.15, Linkki
Tanskassa ja Hollannissa vain EU-maista ja USA:sta tullut maahanmuutto on ollut kannattavaa, kaikki muu aiheuttaa kustannuksia. Maahanmuutto ei ole mikään itseisarvo, ei pidä ottaa ihmisiä maahan vain koska jonkun mielestä on hienoa olla ”kansanvälinen”
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